
Moms and Dads: Do you agree with this statement?

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"It is important to remember to only punish for willful defiance or disrespect, but it is not wise to punish for childish immaturity or lack of knowledge".

For the record, I most certainly do agree with this statement.




  1. Of course I agree with it!!  It would be counter productive to child training to punish a child for their child like behavior.  Child like behavior includes impuls-ness, forgetting, accidents.  But willful disobedience is another thing entirely.    When a child is willfully disobedient, he isn't being that way because of any child likeness...he is being disobedient!  

    I wholeheartedly agree with that statement and the book you are reading is awesome!!

  2. I agree with that statement.  I think punishing a child for something they don't know is cruel.  I remember being a child in first grade.  We were learning how to read. I was trying to pronounce the word bench.  It came out as ***** (the word for a female dog).  I had no idea I said a bad word because my parents never used bad words around us... but I got in so much trouble with my teachers and parents, and I never understood why.

  3. 100%

  4. Absolutely.  

    Lots of folks forget that parenting is all about teaching your children to 'comply' with the rules of life - both your rules and society's.  As such, disciplining a child for lack of compliance is the key - not disciplining for lack of knowledge.

    I will say that far too many parents mistake defiance and disrespect for lack of maturity and knowledge, but that's a whole other issue!

  5. Agreed.  Defiance deserves punishment.  Lack of knowledge requires guidance.

  6. Definitely agree.

  7. Agree!

  8. Yes.

  9. 1000%

    Our youngest is very defiant and has lots of anger / aggression issues.  He does understand what he does wrong, he just says he is defiant because he is mad!

    We punish defiance in our household.

  10. I agree!

    That is how my parents disciplined me as a child.  It works, so it didn't happen more than twice.

  11. Absolutely. How could you punish a little one for not knowing. Your job as a parent is to teach them knowledge and respect. I hate parents I see that yell at their kids like their puppies that just peed on the carpet. I'd love to put them on a leash. As hard as it is to have patience sometimes, I just take a deep breath and remind myself my son doesn't know the difference and sometimes his yelling is just his way to get my attention. I'm definitely looking into that book so thanks!

  12. Absolutely i agree 100%.  

  13. You cannot discipline for something a child has no knowledge is WRONG...that is Abuse...Disciplining in Love and Compassion is the ONLY Effective Discipline...the form discipline takes is Individual and should be administered with Full Knowledge and Understanding of each Childs Personality and Nature. ~~I Agree with the Statement~~Aloha~~Michelle~~

  14. YES YES YES!

    I agree!

  15. i do agree with this statment you cant punish some one if you do no all the facts yourself

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