
Moms and Moms-to-be; When did you first feel your baby move?

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Moms and Moms-to-be; When did you first feel your baby move?




  1. i think i was about 18 weeks when i knew for sure what i was feeling was the baby.

  2. With my first child I was 18 weeks. I am pregnant again and I just felt it a few days ago at 16 weeks.

  3. 16 weeks =)

  4. I felt the baby move at about 13 1/2 weeks. Which is early since it's a first baby, but after feeling the baby a few more times over the past week, I know for sure that it is what it was. :-D It's exciting!

  5. With my first it was not until about 19-20 weeks. With my second I felt it as early as 12 weeks-13 weeks.  But I knew what it was from having been pregnant before.  They were much fainter, but I knew.  

  6. i was around 20 weeks!

  7. first definite movement/kick around 4 months, being aware of pregnancy was much sooner.

  8. I felt around 18/19 weeks (first time pregnancy) and this was maybe only about 1-2 'kicks' a day, this went on for a week or so and they progressively got more frequent and stronger. Around 21 weeks my fiance could then feel them on the outside and a week or two after this it was normal for me to feel kicks all through the day.

  9. around 16 weeks. They were small little kicks now there hard kicks and punches.

  10. With my first 21 weeks, with my second 11 weeks.

  11. I was almost 14 weeks when I felt the first little wiggles but by 17weeks I could really feel my little man kick and now at 19 weeks I can feel kicks on the outside-so can my husband!

  12. 5 months pregnant.

  13. Felt ans saw the baby kick at 17 weeks  

  14. 20 weeks

  15. 20 - 21 weeks

  16. This is my first pregnancy, I was about 14 1/2 weeks along.  I guess that's early for the first pregnancy.  they say most women feel it with their first anywhere between 16 - 24 weeks.   With subsequent pregnancies you know waht you're looking for so you feel it earlier.  IF you have really strong ab muscles, or are over weight you will probably have to wait a little longer to feel your little one wiggling around in there.

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