
Moms and dads about myspace?

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when would u let ur kids have a myspace acct i know u have to be like 14 but my little sister wants one shes 11 sould my parents let her have one and go on it often or just say no i have a myspace acct im 22 and i only let friends or people i know email me i have never had anybody come on to me in a way i think its a bad idea but i`ll be one of her friends so i`ll be able to see what shes doing what kind of storys have u heard about




  1. The only serious problem with myspace is the hackers and spam. Online predators are NOT "waiting to strike" like most paranoid people think.(You can thank the media for blowing this out of proportion like everything else.) The online predator scare attack is a method used by the state-controlled media to try and censor the internet without actually using software. They want to scare parents and kids so they won't use the internet because the internet is the only place that the government hasn't controlled yet.

    Parents: Teach your kids common sense!! Tell them to not give out personal information and teach them how to properly use the computer. While online predators are not as common as many think, they do exist. They are not on every corner nor are they a huge threat, but they still exist nonetheless.

  2. I don't think it's a good idea. They're many online predators out there waiting to strike. The only way I would say yes is that she would not have any pictures of her self. Make everything private and only people that know her last name could be her friend. And keep an eye on her to make sure she's not talking to anyone else besides family or friends her age.



  3. my daughter is 9 and wants to get a page on Facebook. I said we will talk about it when she is 13

  4. its really a lot safer than you would think. you can make everything private! you can make it so no one can even view her page unless they ask her first and she has to say yes, if she doesn't they can't see her page, so I don't understand why people think it's so unsafe really

  5. I don't think its that bad to let her  be on myspace. but  I would monitor her when she is on it and keep it private so not just any crazy person can see her page. and let her know the dangers of talking to people she doesn't know on the internet.

  6. My 19 month his one and my 9year has one today but only family and freinds of the family on her frenids list we check it before she gets to do it

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