
Moms: best "new mom" gift you ever got?

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For me, it was the use of a diaper service... A friend (who already has a diaper service) just had her first baby (after two miscarriages, and a tough pregnancy), and we'd like to get her something unique, and just for her.

Any ideas?





  1. my cousin told me it was the wii game!  she uses it to work out in the house, while her son is sleeping.  

  2. I would say it was the half-day spa package I got from my mom, and the daycare she provided for me to go do it.  I didn't get a chance to do it until my baby was like 5 months old, but man it was a treat!!  

  3. A rocking chair. My best friend got me a white wooden one with my name, my husband's name and the baby's name/DOB on it. 10.5yrs later and I still adore that thing!  Not only did I rock all of my babies to sleep in that thing over the years, but I sit in it and relax or read. Every one of my kids has their name engraved on it now and has had a turn having the rocking chair in their room. They were upset about it leaving to go to the new baby's room once they were brought home. I'm looking foward to it being in MY room when my youngest has outgrown it.

    Another idea is the gift of your time and help. I loved when people brought us cooked meals, offered to clean up a bit so it was one less thing I had to do or offered to watch the baby for a few hours so I could sleep.

    Best Wishes =]

  4. A full body massage  

  5. a helium gas tank!

    someone gave me that at my baby shower and i was laughing so much, it was in place of the gas they give you during childbirth, of course i didnt actually use it, but it was good for a laugh!

  6. A cleaning service for the first month.  

  7. my favorite was a spa day and massage, my sister babysat while i relaxed

  8. My mom made/brought us meals for 2 weeks. It was a godsend!

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