
Moms fingernails turning pink without polish. is it serious??!!?

by  |  earlier

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Okay im really worried about my mom and i really need to know if we should take her to a clinic as soon as possible or just hope it goes away. Her fingernails have turned pink although she hasnt put on any nailpolish and her fingertips are reddish and if she presses down on her nail, it turns darker pink or red. Also, she is bleeding from her nails. Im worried it can be serious so please help me out and I want a REAL MEDICAL opinion please!




  1. If your mom is bleeding and red from more than one finger and it was not caused by trauma such as hitting your finger with a hammer, it is possible that she has Endocarditis, an extremely serious infection in the heart.

    Other symptoms include a fever and a cough.

    If the bleeding is not trauma related, seek medical attention immediately

  2. since bleeding is happening to all her nails this doesn't sound good

    see the clinic

  3. yea ide take her to a clinic.  If there was no bleeding then maybe you could wait it out, but the bleeding makes it sound serious.

  4. I would take her to the Emergency Room ASAP.

  5. I would get her an appointment with her doc asap. Anytime something happens with your body that is definitely NOT normal, you should go in.

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