Question: bad was the experience? Babies first shots!!?

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Just curious how the experience with your babies first shots at 8 weeks old was? How did baby handle did you handle as a mom? My baby girl is getting her shots tomorrow and I am terrified for her and I both!! Any suggestions to help baby feel better before during and after!! All comments and suggestions very appreciated!!




  1. First shots...not that bad...try to stay calm ...she'll pick up on your panic.

    If your doctors are any good, they'll be fast and they'll be over before baby knows what's going on.

    It's the later shots....when they know...and when they remember...and when they beg you not to let the doctor do it....THOSE are the hard ones.

    Babies FIRST shots....they're cake.

    Lol...good luck!  :)

  2. It will hurt you more than it hurts her.  My son just got his shots yesterday he's 10 months and it still hurts me.  She will cry for awhile but all you can do is just pick her up as soon as they are done and hold her a comfort her.  I always put something on where you can expose their legs while being clothed. You don't want have to have the pain in dressing her after her shots.  that's always hard to do right after. hope this helps

  3. i wanted to punch the nurse in the face!  i am just being honest.. it is natural instinct for us to want to protects our lil ones.  anyways she was fine after about 30 secs of cuddling and kissing her.  oh and if she experiences to much discomfort your doc can tell you how much baby tylenol to give her.

    trust me it is much worse for you than for her!

  4. It's awful.  I cry every time.  Skin to skin time (cuddling) beforehand has been proven to ease the pain of the shot.  Also some tylenol half an hour beforehand (read the bottle for the correct amount) will help ease the pain.  Feed your baby right after.  And then throughout the day gently massage your baby's legs to help ease the knots.  Good luck!  

  5. It is harder on the mom then it is for baby.  It hurts their feelings more then anything I think.  My son was fine, he cried for a second and then we distracted him and he was fine.

    Good luck!!

  6. well every baby is different my nephew didnt take them well at all my son took them very well he cried maybe 2 mins that it on the other hand my nephew cried for like 30 mins so it all depends

  7. You feel sorry for the baby because the baby has no ideal and then it happens. It almost makes you cry some parents do cry. I thought I just give you some advice to have in the back of your mind.... When you are at the doctor's office your baby emotions feds off of yours meaning if you go there a nervous wreck then it will rub off on your baby. For example when I took my son to the doctor to get his shots I was all hysterical and then he started to cry and the doctor gave him the shot and told me to pick him up and let him know that everything is okay she told me to stay calm on the next shot so I can see the difference and I said I will try so I calm myself and she gave him another shot he cried for a little while but I did not have to pick him up he calmed himself down it was amazing because I did not know that. The first time he cried and cried until I picked him up to calm him down. Hope this advice will help. Good Luck!

  8. First shots weren't bad for either of my 2, they didn't even cry.  It was the 4 month and up that was tough.  Everytime they get shots and cry...I cry.  Its so hard to see them in pain like that.  

    As for easing the pain. When I had my daughter my dr said to give her tylenol 1/2 hour before the shots and then she gave me a script for tylenol after she got them. After I had my son she said I could give the tylenol but new research shows that giving them 1-2 ounces of sugar water 1/2 - 1 hour before shots helps as well.  I have not tried it yet since I forgot last time and just gave him tylenol.  I plan on trying it next time.

    This site explains the sugar water thing:

  9. My baby didn't like the needle stings of course, but then she was just extra sleepy the rest of the day. Next morning she was all her cheerful self again.

    Just keep in mind, with the vaccination you are sparing your baby much worse than a few stings. That will make you feel better.

  10. Well all babies are different but my son handled his first shots terribly and still does at 2 years old. But when he was little i gave him tylenol to help with the pain and he just slept it. My pedi makes us stay 15 mins after any shots to make sure everything is alright

  11. My children did fine with them just make sure you give tylenol about 30mins-1hour before going to get them and about every 4 hours for the next 24 hours.

  12. It was way worse for me then my son!! I cried like I lost a limb. He cried too, for a minuet! Give your baby some tylenol before you go just in case baby spikes a fever from the shots.

    The part my son hated the most was having his legs held down so he couldn't move them!! i wasn't going to be in the room cause I knew I wouldn't handle it well, but my son was a strong baby so they made me and his dad each hold a leg in place, two doc came in and they each gave him a shot in the leg at the same time! :( It was so sad....for me! I felt horrible all day! It didn't really bother him!

  13. it's something we need to do but it hurt me to watch my kids get poked and will make me cry again when i have my lil boy in oct.

  14. Ask your doc but I gave my daughter some baby tylenol as I was sitting in the waitring room.  Keep her occupied while the shots are happening have a paci ready too.  There is one of them that really stings so they usually do that one last.

    It's not too bad, you might want to split up the shot since there are quite a bit at once

  15. my son sooked but as soon as i put his bottle in he was fine

    and my daughter slept threw hers

  16. well im not a mom but can tell you the story ofnwhat happened to my mom when she was taking me for my shots... well they used you to give injections in the thigh so the nurse told my mom to hold my legs very tight and when they gave me the injection apparently i was screaming and squirming and i had these two dimples left in my thigh from the injection and they said that it will go in a few weeks but it has been with me for the rest of my life butit makes me look unique  

  17. I was lucky with my son. He never cried much with any of his shots. The cry usually lasted for maybe two seconds. more just from shock. Takes after me in that sense coz my mother told me when i was a child i never had a problem with needles either.

    I took my son for his 4-5 year old shots yesterday. No problem with the first no crying or anything. 2nd one he had a little whinge coz he knew what was coming. but was fine once it was over. no full blown crying. i think he was too happy chewing on the jelly babies lol.

    during - try to relax them.

    after - panadol helps and lots of cuddles!

  18. When my baby got his first shots, it shattered my heart because while crying he looked at me like i had betrayed him by letting someone hurt him like that. However, he handled it very well because he didn't have the pain in his legs for more that 1 day and he only cried about it until we got in the car. The doctor said give him a little bit of children's tylenol if he seemed to be in unbearable pain but he didn't really need it. It will hurt you to see your baby hurting, but it's for her own good and she'll forget all about it shortly.  

  19. I've only given my son one shot because I don't believe babies should get all those shots.

    Anyway, what I did was hold my baby in my arms facing me. I cooed him while the nurse gave the shot. His little face immediately frowned, but before he could cry I smiled and talked to him in that high pitched voice I use when I play with him and he just smiled. That was that. Yes I was sooo nervous.

    He isn't getting anymore shots until he's two.

  20. I brought my sister with me for my daughters first shots but it wasn't as bad as I thought. they had me hold her for the shot and yes I cried with her a little. but snuggling her back to comfort only took a sec and she was over it.

  21. Honestly , i was worried and still am about shots and my daughter is now 18 months getting her shots again. Really she handles it so much better than i do. I never once had her cry more than 30 seconds after than she's fine. All i did was ask if i can hold her closed my eyes and kissed her head telling her she is ok. The doctor will totaly understand that your worried as well who really wants there child poked when so little. I am sure she will be ok and i am sure you'll be ok too. Just do whats best for both of you, and do it how ever you feel most comfortable.

    All is well


  22. not too bad. she cried for about 5 minutes and then was all smiles. ran a low fever that night but slept fine and was back to normal the next morning.  

  23. They may scream bloody murder, but I held mine and kissed him and he calmed right down.  I didn't look because I hate needles myself.  U can stroke her head and talk to her to TRY and keep her calm.

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