
Moms how is your intuition?

by  |  earlier

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I ask this to moms because I know after we have a child our intution seems to sky rocket with clarity! My husband just left to go to a friends house and as always he kissed me and our daughter by. Even all 4 animals!!! A he was leaving I felt like he was telling us BYE. Like a final good by we always hear about before someone accidently dies! Kinda strange, huh? Is this the intuition or am I just being overly sensitive?




  1. i think your worrying about nothing love, maybe you have a lot on your mind ATM and need to feel that your brood is with you so you know that they are safe.  call him check if he is OK x x x x x make an appointment at your GP's as i started out in a similar way with depression a few years back.  Take care x x

  2. I don't think you have anything to worry about - if you're really that concerned then call him to make sure he's okay.

  3. wow does he always kiss everyone and things goodbye if not


    good luck

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