
Moms: is it easier to potty train a boy or a girl??

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I have a 2 in a half year old daughter but I'm having a lot of trouble potty training.




  1. both ...

  2. my daughter was easier than my son.

  3. GIRLS!

  4. Oh girls are so much easier to toilet train than boys!

    I have a 4 1/2 yr old son who was toilet trained at 3 1/2, it took him 18 motnths and he still wet's at night sometimes.

    My daughter is nearly 3 and she has been toilet trained for a year, it only took her about 6 or 7 weeks and she dosen't even wet the bed anymore.

  5. i say girl because i tough my  cousin how to!

  6. I have boy/girl/boy.  They are grown now, but with my first son, I guess I got lucky.  The week he turned two, I set a potty chair right in our living room and he was trained within a week.  It helped though that the neighbor girl was 10 days older (or younger, I can't remember anymore) and during the day the two of them would fight to use each other's potty chairs.  :-)

    Then my daughter came along and everyone, I mean EVERYONE told me that it was even easier to train a girl.  Well, I started trying to get her used to it when she was about 20 months old.  I gave up after a couple of months and decided to wait until after her second birthday.  Nope.  There was nothing I could do to encourage her to use that chair or the regular toilet.  She just flat out refused.  So, after a few months I gave up again.  I figured it was becoming an issue of wills and I didn't want that.  About two weeks before her third birthday, she came walking out wearing a pair of training underpants holding her diaper in her hand and saying that she was a big girl now and didn't want the diapers anymore.  That's all it took, but it took a while, lol!

    Then, my youngest son.  By the time he was two, I was working full time during the day and an Aunt came to my house with her child to babysit while I was at work.  One day I came home and saw my youngest running around in his sister's training pants.  I asked why he had them on and my sister-in-law said that he refused to let her put a diaper back on him.  I asked, well has he used the toilet?  She said yes, he just climbed up on the regular toilet and started using it.

    I hadn't even begun to try with him yet as he had only turned 2 a couple of days before.

    So, from my experience they are all different, but my boys were the easiest.  :-)

    Oh, and my sister has a daughter and she called me up one day crying because of frustration from trying to get her daughter potty trained.  My neice was already 3 at the time.  She just recently graduated with honors from high school and also has won awards in golfing.  She is very smart and I think that it was a "matter of wills" game that she was playing.  That's pretty common actually.

  7. my eldest was great, i trained her in about 2 weeks, dry night and day., she was 2 and a other daughter was a lot harder she was 3. my son is been trained at the moment he is 3 and doin great. he has been dy for the past 4 nights.

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