
Moms nursing past 12 months?

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My son is 9 months. Originally I had intended on weening him at 12 months. I just can't stop now, though.. I feel like a bad mom because I feel he still needs the nutrients from breast milk.. I have decided to nurse to 24 months.. Everyone gives me such a hard time for nursing.. Every one says if I'd just give him a bottle then I could go out without him.. I think that's just selfish thinking.. My son doesn't take a bottle what-so-ever, and I could never pump even a half a bottle any way.. so I don't bother, I use my pump to even out my b*****s when they are un-even, but that's about it.. I refuse to compromise on breast feeding.. but what can i do to make others lay off???

[Others= My boyfriend/baby's father, the baby's father's parents]




  1. There's nothing you really can do. I hear about it all the time from people who shouldn't mind. My daughter is only 7 months but I plan to go until she weens or until she's 24 months. Just tell them it's what you want to do, it's best for him, and you enjoy the time you spend with him.

  2. my son is almost 33 months old and still asks for a "little taste" every few days. I see no harm in doing it. Just a few months ago he was nursing like 2x a day for like 20 minutes PLUS when he woke up in the middle of the night. Now if he wakes up he just crawls into bed and snuggles with me.

    Extended nursing has really benefited him. He was eating solids at 7 months, but went through a rough winter of norovirus and gastroenteritis. he did not eat much, with the exception of nursing for 10 days at a time. The last time he got gastroenteritis the doctor said that it was great that he was nursing....even at 28 kept him hydrated and gave him some fat and protein. it was all he could keep down for days. he even threw up half-flat ginger ale so quick I could see the bubbles on the floor.

  3. Tell them when it's their body producing the milk then they can decide.  I think it's great you are still going.  I BF'd my kids until they self weaned (one at 18mos one at 23mos) and it was totally worth it.  Also, it's not like the baby will be nursing as often at 12 or 18 mos as now, you will be able to go out more once your baby starts eating solid food.  This is an age and opportunity you can't get back once you give it up. I'd also have them read the Kellymom website it has lots of good info on the benefits of extended bfing.

  4. Good for you for not comprimising what you think is best!!! I intended to nurse my daughter until she was 1. Now she is 19 mo. I plan on weaning her around 2. But nothing is set in stone. We both love the closeness and nutrition it provides. My pediatrician says that it helps with things you wouldn't think of like confidence, learning to self soothe, the list goes on. Americans are one of the only groups of people in the world who think that there is something wrong with nursing a toddler. Get a book on the subject so you can educate people when they make comments. People have said to me- You're STILL nursing? I just respond by saying (yes and we're doing great. Thanks.) I would also suggesst going to a La Leche League group. You can find lots of support there. They are all over. There is likely to be one near you. Plus tell your critics- why would you wean him on to a bottle? Another thing to break him from?! American Academy of Pediatrics reccomend nursing for at least the first 2 years. The health benefits for nursing mothers are huge too. Be confident that you are doing the best thing for you and your baby. I hope this was helpful. God Bless!

  5. my  aunt  just  had  a  baby  a  couple  months  ago and  she weened  him  at  i think  it  was  a  2 months  and  hes  edoin  just  fine  i  think  u  should  ween him soon

  6. I had planned on breastfeeding for 6 months - well, that didn't happen! My son self-weaned at 25 months. Best thing I've done for him so far. I had tons and tons of remarks and such from family, friends, and strangers. You know what? I didn't care. I was doing the BEST thing for my son and that was all that mattered. I'd say things such as "Are YOU nursing him? No, so don't worry about it"  or  "There are many other places you can redirect your eyes if it bothers you that much"  or  "Don't you want him to have the best of everything? Yes, I do too and that's why he's still nursing"  and so on. Don't let people get to you. Get right back with a comment. Tell them the FACTS, alot of people don't know much about breastfeeding. Educate them. Also, if you don't feel comfortable making a comment, just smile - nod - then walk away. You are doing a wonderful thing that you will feel good about the rest of your life. DON'T let ANYONE put you down or make you feel like you should stop.

  7. I breastfed my 3 kids each until they were 14 mos. old, just about the time they started walking totally on their own. The more the baby gets regular foods to eat the less dependent he'll be on you. He'll still like to be breastfed as a nurturing sort of thing though. Just ignore people and their comments. Some things you just have to keep to yourself just for that reason of receiving unwanted opinions and comments. You have to listen to your gut and do what's right for you.

  8. I would tell them that it is what is best for your baby and frankly they do not have the right to voice their opinion. As his mother you should do what you think is right. Tell them that the decision is yours, you have made it and it is not open for discussion. Be firm and repeat yourself as needed. Do not take it and do not listen, tell them as soon as they start.

  9. You aren't going to get others to lay off, especially if it is the dad that has the issue with it. Have spoken to your pediatrician about it, what age he/she thinks is appropriate to stop breast feeding. I think that breast feeding is truly a magnificent thing that a woman is able to do for her child but in my own personal opinion think that 12 months is the absolute maximum age for breast feeding.

  10. tell them its not up for discussion. you could give them reams of facts and figures, but it will never change their minds. just keep nursing, and be happy!

  11. Everyone knowsthat breast milk is best. Continue to nurse until you and the child are ready to discontinue. There isn't anything you can do to make others lay off. Just continue to nurse and eventually they will understand that you will not compromise. Good luck!

  12. go to this site and check and read

  13. 12 months is the latest you can nurse him, prolonged can can psychological struggles to when you want to ween him, your actually doing him a big favor if you go up to 12 months but any more than that your just hurting him in the future

  14. dont worry about it, people will always talk. i breastfed my son until he was 18 mos old. he weaned himself, and went to a sippy cup. once you introduce him to dairy when he is over a year old, he will eventually like regular cold milk better. so take as it go, who cares. no planning let it just happen. by the way breastfed babies are automatically have a 10% higher IQ, cool huh? love that fact. and also most likely to be comfortable with themselves, learns very well in school, very friendly and more likely the leaders not followers.  i believe it to, my son just turned 3 and can spell and write out his own name. my husband was a breastfed baby, longer than 12 mos too, and he is so smart. but i wasnt a breastfed baby and had a hard time in school and was really shy.

  15. You said your baby is only 9 months. For all you know, he may wean himself. Why make an issue when it is so far in advance?

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