
Moms of 4 close in age with husband not around much??

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Im going to be having baby # 4 in december, my other kids are ages almost 4, 2.5 and 1 year and my hubby is in the army and is gone alot on deployments and trainings. Wanting to know from people like this whose hubby is army or gone doing trucking etc....

How much harder is it with baby #4 and how to you deal with things such as shopping, getting things done aroudn the house... etc.

(if you didnt know anyone where you lived because you just moved there and couldnt have a friend sit for you while you do these things?)




  1. HI

    I am the mom of two close in age, so I CAN NOT relate AT ALL. But my hubby is an attorney so also not around much.

    When my 2 were under 2, it was hard, very hard. We had just moved from a different state. I am a new born and a 1 year, and  hubby who was a new here is some adice...

    Try to make friends, is great. Find mommy groups in your area. Find and form close mbonds with other mommy in the same boat. IT WILL HELP!

    As far as has been a huge help for me, did you know you can buy tones of grocery. IN bulk at your door and often FREE shipping! cant beat it! I buy a lot of my dry goods on amazon.


  2. my heart can rest ti'll then.... is my advice to you... just give your children the love that they need and everything should fall in place... the most important thing though to me is giving your children love

  3. I do not have 4 kids i have 3 but my husband drills oil wells for a living and is gone alot traveling I have found that having everything and everyone on a schedule makes my life a heck of a lot easier

  4. I have 4 boys. My oldest are twins and they are all close in age. They are older now, 13, 13, 11 and 8 but when they were little I was a lot like you. When my 4th was born, my twins were 5 and my middle son was 3 so I had two 5 yr olds, a 3 yr old and a newborn. When I went grocery shopping I used to take two carts and I would put the baby in one and my 3 yr old in the other and I would have my twins help me put stuff in the carriage. I would make sure to go at a time when they were well fed, not tired and I would bring a little snack and toy for my 3 yr old to keep him busy.

    With your kids so young you might want to invest in a double stroller and use that for your 1 yr old and the baby and the other two can walk.

    I would try to get into a routine. If you have a routine everything just seems to fall into place and the kids are always more cooperative when they know what to expect each day. Do baths at night, it's easier. Set clothes for the next day out the night before and get the kids (older two) into the habit of getting dressed right when they get up before they even come out fo their rooms. Try to get them gaining as much independence as possible now.

    I used to get laundry and cleaning done during nap times and after the kids went to bed which is also when I would shower. Pick a slow day (used to be Sunday for me) and make a few meals while the kids nap. This way during the week you can just pop a meal into the microwave to heat up on a busy day.

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