
Moms please help me? First day of junior high and I'm more nervous than my son.?

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My oldest son is starting junior high in 3 months. And im sooo nervous for him although i dont tell him. I dont know how he'll do. My son is a bit imature and naive for his age. He still mostly watches cartoons and plays video games. Im so scared he'll get picked on like i was at that age. What do i do to get him ready for the first days first impresion. I just want him to have a good experience, i know how cruel kids can be. I'll just lose it if somebody starts picking on my kid. What can i do to help him without imbarrasing him?




  1. The best thign you can do is make him feel good about himself.

    Perhaps you could work on his appearance.

    Go shopping for some new clothes and perhaps a new haircut?.  Make sure to keep a posotive and open relationship with him.  Also help him out with his studies a little.  Hope i helped.

  2. You have a right to be nervous.

    Bullying really escalates in the junior high years.

    Fortunately, you can help your child to learn the skills he will need to be safe. publishes a wonderful book on safety skills, and they run classes for kids.  Check them out.

    Be well.

  3. The most important thing to do is support your child and make sure that he has a high self-esteem- this will likely decrease the chances of him being picked on because bullies target people with low self-esteems.

    Remember that things always work out for the best and there is a silver lining in every cloud.

    As for his "immaturity", all kids develop at different ages so not to worry because he will sooner or later mature.

    The best way to deal with bullies is to show that their comments do not bother or offend you. In the short run this is very difficult but in the long run it is immensely helpful.

    Good Luck! Remember things will work out for the best!

  4. Tell him that if anyone makes fun of him, to just tell the teacher and you.

  5. Well, it's easy to fix the part about how he still mostly watches cartoons and plays video games.  Use the summer to get him away from the screen and out into the world.  Have him invite friends over, or invite friends with you to the pool or the basketball court or the soccer field or riding bikes or whatever.  You don't have to push him in to things that he hates (if he doesn't like soccer he certainly doesn't need to play it ... have him invite a friend over to play chess or design a tree fort, or whatever).  But sitting in front of a screen for big chunks of time is definitely not a solution to getting ready for a new social situation.

    Beyond that, don't worry about it.  It's easy for us as parents to project our own experiences on our kids.  Just because you had a hard time in junior high doesn't mean he will.  Most 6th grade boys are still immature!

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