
Moms to Teenage Girls?

by Guest67015  |  earlier

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How would you react if your daughter came home (as a teen) pregnant?

No 'I would be caring' c**p, unless that's really the way you feel,

I want honest answers!

And explain why you'd react that way :)




  1. I would be soooo very upset. My daughters all know that when they decide to become sexually active That I will put them on birth control. I have stressed until I am blue in the face how important it is to practice safe s*x . I have 4 daughters ages 22 to 3 and so far so good.  

  2. I'd be heartbroken, but I'd get over it.  I would help her thru it and help her succeed as a mother and as a person.  My job as a parent would not just be all of a sudden over.  I would do this because I got pregnant at 18, and I understand the emotional part and the practical part of it all.  My daughter would not benefit from me disowning her or shutting her out.  

  3. I would be shocked, but I would definitely be there for my daughter and grandchild. I would make sure she was able to finish school. It must be a very scary thing to become a mom at such a tender age and although that's certainly not something I wish for my daughter, I would stand by her and help her in any way I could. And I say this and mean it because she is my daughter and no matter what...I'm her mom and that's what a mom should do. We love, nurture, protect, teach, and guide our children. That doesn't stop because of an error in judgment. None of us are perfect and we all need a gentle helping hand now and then, even as adults!

  4. be very disappointed but understanding ground her but help her thru the pregnancy  

  5. I would be livid. and probably wouldn't get over it til the baby arrived, at which point I would have to give in and get mushy over my little grandchild. But (by the point my daughter grew to be a teen) I already have and raised my kids, it's not fair to ask me to raise more because my daughter wasn't smart enough to use protection. not to mention, she shouldn't be having s*x knowing the risks involved. I'd be worried for not only her future, but her health. I'd insist she continue her education and I would help in that area any way I could. I'd also make sure she still worked as long as possible and save for the baby. I'd have to help her start learning how to be independent by budgeting and being in charge of paying her own bills... God, it would really be exhausting, and hats off to mothers who have gone through it!

  6. I'd be as angry as h**l of course. I would be more angry at me then her to be exact. I would be angry that I didn't get her on the pill or talk to her more about s*x, and abstinence and condoms.

    I'd need a while but I'd come around. We're not religious in my house so if terminating the pregnancy was the route she wanted to go I would allow her (because it's her choice).

    If adoption was the route she chose I would help her any way a mother can (since it's her body). Same for keeping the baby. I would probably offer to babysit while she finishes school. I would let her rely on me fully but I would be her buffer and her shoulder to lean on.

  7. i would be pissed and i would be pissed and yell at her for a while the only reason i wouldnt beat her because she got the baby the reason i would do this because she let a stupid boy whisper sweet things in her ear and she listened and followed i would also make sure he helped take care of the baby and buy things for the baby

  8. I have an 8 year old daughter. Since moving to the neiborhood that I currently live in I've had to educate her on the birds and the bees, as she has come home and asked me about them. I believe the worse thing a parent can do is lie to their child. I tell her there is nothing wrong with wanting to have a baby, but she needs to be prepared financially, and emotionally first. At 8 years old I've had the dreaded s*x talk with her, unbelievable, but needed to be done. I hope and pray that she'll learn from my mistakes. I love that I have children, don't get me wrong. But I would like to have had someone explain the facts to me before I got pregnant. I was careless, and stupid. I never thought of the concenquences. Now I struggle to make ends meet. So I hope that I can teach her common sense, and make her aware of the consenquences of having unprotected s*x at a young age. With that said, it is hard to imagine her coming home pregnant. I honestly don't know how I would react. I do fully intend on putting her on the pill when she is 13, to help her control her periods, that is what I'm going to tell her. I like to think I will be able to trust her to make the healthy choices.

    I love her dearly, and no matter what happens in her life, as long as I live I will be there for her. {same  for my son}

  9. I don't have a teenage daughter, but I think I can still answer the question.

    I would be furious, in all honesty, especially if I knew she had been careless enough to not use protection, or worse, get pregnant on purpose.

    After I got over my anger and we had discussed the various options, if she decided to have and keep the baby, I would allow her to stay at home, but I would make it clear that she is expected to be either at school, at work, or taking care of her baby.  Her social life would be over, and she would know that I wouldn't be there to provide free babysitting for her while she went out with her friends.  Those days would be over for her.

  10. Well, I work with a lot of broken down families in poor communities its common. Sadly, sometimes for money as well. reactions are vastly different most families choose to have the child and support it if the daughters over 16 if under often not in my experience.
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