
Moms...want to join in a challenge.......?

by  |  earlier

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I am starting a blog that is surrounding the 365 Photo Challenge and I am looking for moms to join with and chronicle a year in their life through one picture a day for 365 days. Any picture you want, and you could include a blurb about the picture or that particular day. Each entry would be sent to me daily at an email address I have started specifically for this project, I would update photos and blurbs every day. We will be starting on September 1st. All pictures and blurbs would be posted as I receive them and any corrections would be cleared with you before posting.

I think it's a great way to get to know some of the people here in an avenue that is away from Answers, and a great way to chronicle a year in your life.

Does anyone want to take the challenge with me? If so email me at.......




  1. Sounds like a great idea and good luck with it. I would join if I knew how to upload pictures onto the computer :/. One day I'll learn.  

  2. Hmmmm - sounds very, very, very interesting.  

    I wonder if I'd be able to keep up, though, or if I would end up feeling all stressed if I couldn't.  :-)  

    I'll definitely think about it, though!

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