How often did you leave your baby (under one year) with other people ? After you had your baby were you still in the mindset of "I need to have my fun" ? Did you try to make people feel sorry for you by using the "Oh I'm so young ... i just need a break" story ? Was it more important for you to be out partying and getting high then to spend time with your child ? Did you take your friends for granted, when they offered to watch the baby or agreed so you could get IMPORTANT things done ?
I think it's good when children can adapt to easily to new places and new people, but when a complete stranger can pick up a baby and the kid doesn't make a sound because it is so used to strangers i think it's ridiculous.
I'm not ranting I'm asking seriously, I don't mind watching my friends baby SOMETIMES, but I'm irritated that she seems to think it's ok that she pawn her baby off on me every weekend so she can go have "fun". Also, this baby is used to being feed every time she cries ...