
Moms... what do you think of this??????

by  |  earlier

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ok now

I had to share this w/ you... so cute!


and btw.. the question IS.. what did ya think of it =)




  1. aww that's cute!

  2. Freakin adorable.

  3. that was cute

  4. I think it's kind of sick.  Why would these parents just be sitting there, encouraging their kids to make biting into a game?  Before too long, that baby is going to be biting everyone, and HARD, and suddenly will be getting in trouble for the behavior that he was encouraged to do! It is really unfair to allow your kids to behave badly when you know sooner or later you have to make them stop.

  5. Im an emotional wreck today (may be breaking up with the man I have loved for 7 years) and this really made my day! Thankyou so much for sharing

  6. I love it! It is so cute! The older boy reminds me of my son :)

  7. lol. he won't do that again. Watched a few of their videos.

  8. not a mom but it's really cute. beautiful kids by the way.

  9. I've seen this before; its so cute!

  10. lol how cute is that baby?? lol hilarious when he started laughing

  11. HUN thats SO old i saw that like 1 yr ago atlist you watch youtube my friends mother dosent she dosent let her listen to rap nor dance

  12. Haha, I love it! Kids do the cutest things. :D

  13. awww...i wish my kids had little british accents. that was too cute.

  14. he sound charlie an lola a show and that kid is some kinda of crazy to stick his finger back into charlie's mouth


  16. im not i mom but i love it!!

  17. oh no that's too cute

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