
Moms what would you do to a child molester?

by  |  earlier

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if you were the judge and made the laws





  2. i would cut off there p***s off

  3. I say put him in prison in general population. As sorry as most prisoners are, even the murders, child molestors don't fare to well in the pen. If it were my kid it happened to, I would go into a blind rage and simply take matters into my own hands. Ever watch the movie Wilderness?

  4. I would lock them up and throw away the key. No seriously? I would have them thrown in jail for a minimum of 20 years per child (more is allowed but judged case by case). After they got out of jail, they would be monitored for 5 years. The first 2 years, they are only allowed to go to work and their house. The other 3 years, they have to be in their house by 10pm. When that is over, they are still not allowed to be doing jobs around children (teacher, camp, ice cream truck driver, coach, etc) for 5 more years.

  5. kill him.

  6. Scotch hobble the sucker then set his pants on fire....

  7. Seeing as my mother didnt help me much when I reported her ex fiance, I'd kill him to this day if I saw him again. Oh and btw, hes living his life happy as ever, never paying for what he did to me when i was 11-13. I have fantasy dreams of shooting him over and over.

  8. death is  the only thing

  9. if i was the judge and made the laws i would castrate him for all to see, make him suffer.. because all these molesters do is destroy little childrens lives...why not do the same to them?

    or a slow suffering murder

  10. Castration.

    I watched a program with a paedophile who had re-offended many times after stints in prison.  He volunteered to be castrated as he said there was no successful rehabilitation program for paedophiles.

    After he was castrated he claimed he had none of the previous "urges" that made him offend in the first place.

    However, if anyone touched my daughter I would kill them in a heartbeat.

  11. Cut their manhood off...and throw him into the ocean, tied to an anchor.

  12. Castration without painkillers.

    To those who think that a nice jail sentence is fine, obviously did not read about the child s*x offender in the UK. He was caught distribution a video that showed newborn babies being raped. This video included the sound of their screams.

    Still think that a jail sentence is the answer?

  13. For males i would have them locked away for many more years than they seem to get right now, a monitoring system on them when they did get out and order that they be castrated.  I would make sure that they were actually guilty though first before castration because I know a couple of guys that were accused just because the moms didn't want them around anymore.  

    For females I would again order lots more time than they get now, meetings with a pyschiatrist and make sure they understood they weren't allowed to be around minors anymore including any of their own children or grandchildren....

  14. Cut his balls off + shove them down his throat. If it was a woman - same thing but with her t!ts.

  15. Chemical Castration & 20 years in maximum security ... if the child is under 15. But thats just what I'd do to CHILD predators ... not everyday rapists, they'd get something similar though.

  16. Put him or her in jail, with monthly group or single meetings with a psychologist. Take away all rights to care for their or others children.

  17. This is an interesting question considering the recent controversy in the Supreme Court overruling the death penalty for a child molestation ruling made in Illinois i think?

    I found it funny and releaving that as soon as the death penalty was revoked the gov automatically came up with the notion for chemical castration and some years in prison. This should only be for 100% proven child molestaion. Adult rape is more controversial and should continue to be viewed on a case-by-case basis.

    Chemical, or even physical castration sounds like a great punishment. I know is some South American countries its not unusual for the rapist to be publically beaten then castrated. You forgo your reproductive rights if you commit such a vile action.

  18. I'm not a mom, but I'd give him a life sentence without parole. He's going to be locked up without any contact from the outside world and Big Bubba can take care of him in the shower.

  19. If I made the a mother that wants to protect my child and all other children...I acknowledge that a sexual orientation cannot change.  If a man or woman is predisposed to be sexually aroused and act upon a child, I'd make sure they never had another opportunity to interact with a child.  This could be accomplished through a life sentence in prison...but the better solution would be placement in some form of penal colony and sterilization to prevent the creation of children in that environment.  But the bleeding hearts that take up the side of the perverts would never stand for that.  They would call it cruel and unusual punishment.  Unfortunately, the criminals have more protections than the innocent children.

  20. Put him in jail.

    I'm really not into torture and killing, thanks, and honestly I think it's pretty sick how many people seem to be.  If he's in a place where he's not going to harm anyone else, that works for me.

  21. im not a mom or a dad but id throw them in a volcano

  22. If it was proved 100% then shoot the ****** lot of them......and I would pull the trigger without hesitation.!!!!! that way they cannot re-offend when they are released after GOOD BEHAVIOUR.

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