
Moms who breastfeed older babies?

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I was just wondering if its normal for the nursing to change a little bit..My 8 month old has 4 teeth and she likes to nurse then pull off a little bit and it can be really annoying and it even hurts. Ive noticed her latch and suck are really STRONG and it kinda hurts, i was just wondering if this is normal since she is getting older or if im doing something wrong...?

Thanks in advance for the help!




  1. It very much "normal" for her to do that. I would take her off for a few lil while. maybe rub her tummy a lil and then  get her to latch on again. Dont worry you are doing everything right , well it sounds like it to me. If it contues to hurt you maybe you double check with the baby D.R. FOR PEACE of mind !!  

  2. Sophie had a nursing strike around 8 months because she had several teeth coming in at once!  So yes, nursing can change at times.  It'll get better, I promise.  If she pulls or bites, take her off and say NO firmly, then wait a bit and try again.  Honestly, no woman can handle being bitten constantly; you have to teach them not to!

    Maybe for now try and nurse lying down, so she can't pull away as easily?  I've done that when Sophie is super distracted or playing.  If she won't nurse well even when lying in a quiet room with me, that's a sure sign she's not hungry.

  3. I think this is totally normal. I breastfed my daughter until she was one and it definitely changed over time! I remember that breastfeeding became really painful for awhile as she was beginning to get teeth. She would suck very strongly and bite or start to chew sometimes. I think its because she was teething, and because she was just learning about biting and chewing things and was trying it out on everything...including me! If she bit me, I would tell her no very firmly and take her off. She learned pretty quickly not to bite. But her sucking stayed pretty strong for awhile and then later got better again...I think it had to do with her teething. Sounds like you're doing great though! Keep it up!  

  4. I dont see anything wrong with nursing a 8 month old. Alot of people nurse till a year old, sometimes longer. If your child is 2 or 3 and you were nursing it might sound wierd but your fine. If your worried about the teeth but you still want her to have breast milk maybe just by a cheap pump from target or something and pump and then feed it to her from a bottle. Good luck!

  5. You use a breast pump

    pump milk out of it and then feed ur baby

    But breastfeeding is a must for a baby though u need to tolerate some pain

  6. There is nothing wrong with you. I am wondering if your daughter is getting enough "supply" from your b*****s. Your milk flow may not be fast enough or simply low and your baby is trying to find a way to suction the milk out.Breastfeeding is a connection between Mommy and baby. It is a strong way to bond and babies love this time together. I am pretty sure your baby started solid foods and I am assuming your are complementing with breastfeeding, maybe even formula. I stopped breastfeeding my daughter at 5 months because my milk supply went low and I wished I had breastfed her longer just for that bond. But she is doing just fine with the bottle all cuddled up in my arms. I sense that you may have a little anxiety to stop breastfeeding, as if you were putting an end to that special moment. Some women in England are actually breastfeeding past the age of 10 (I have seen a documentary on TV and my friend who lives in England tells me more and more women choose to breastfeed as long as possible - meaning 7 or 8 years!!). If breastfeeding becomes uncomfortable because of little Hannah's teeth and you psychologically prepared yourself to the idea that it is OK to stop breastfeeding, just try to find a special moment with your daughter to replace that baby-mommy moment. I love giving my daughter the bottle in a quiet area, just her and me, gazing into each other's eyes and smiling. It is just as strong.  I hope this will help. Whatever your decision is in the end, do not worry... YOU ARE DOING NOTHING WRONG. You are a great mom who wants to do the best for her daughter. Congratulations!

  7. my youngest thought it was funny to try out his teeth on me. he would grin at me and gently bite me and pull back. I told him NO really sharply and started smushing his nose into my breast. He could not breathe, so he HAD to let go. He is 33 months old now and insists on "little taste....I seepy mama". If he bites he knows he is done.

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