
Moms who dislikes the new spell check on answers?

by  |  earlier

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I hate it. I like the old format better.




  1. everything must change in due time

    i am a bad speller but not a darn thing you can do

  2. it doesn't matter.

  3. Im ok with it, it just takes some getting use to..

  4. Just ignore it.  It's not like it prevents you from answering until you fix the spellings or anything.

  5. I hate the fact that when I type in CAPS LOCK that it tells me that I typed in CAPS LOCK and that it might be perceived as YELLING. Grr. Like, right now it's saying that. I'm not yelling though, really!!!! :) Now it's saying that I have a lot of punctuation. Duh, I know.. I'm the one who typed it!!

  6. I do too! And I hate when it pops up and says "Hmmm. . . . looks like you have a lot of punctuation." So obnoxious!

  7. Find something else to do, I think someone has to much time on there hands.  

  8. I can't even figure it out...

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