
Monday morning hangover question..?

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Do you prefer your octopus deep fried or "on ice".

*** Do the wings win this in a blow-out tonight or is fairly close?




  1. Calamari or octopi sashimi......hmmmmm....that's a tough one...

    Wings will win by a score difference of 2. It won't be that close.

  2. I like mine raw.

    OT with the Game winner by Holmstrom but its reviewed to see if his butt was in the crease.Ironic cause he scored it from the faceoff circle.

    Spaceboy-C'mon you dont like picking tentacles out of your teeth?jk I know your a vegertarian just messing with you.

    Spaceboy-Not on your life would I try it.

    Beer Slayer-Testicles?The octopus must be very chilled for them to fit between your teeth.Major shrinkage.LOL

  3. Calamari is pretty good. Not something I would eat all the time.

    The game will be close

  4. I'll take it pan crisped.

    I see the game being a close one.  Malkin might finally get on the board, but its obviously too little, too late.

  5. Barbequed!!!!!

  6. I prefer mine in soup.

  7. With some cocktail sauce, if you please.

    As a neutral observer, while not necessarily a blow out, I can see the Wings winning 5-2. The Pens just looked drained and demoralized after that hard-fought last game. It was a solid effort, but I don't know if they can pull themselves together to step up again.

    ** I've tried it before, but they were deep-fried baby ones, like  small calamari sized.

    Osgood gets MVP and a spot on Olympic Diving Team.

  8. I prefer them alive, swimming freely in the ocean.

    JOE- haha even if I ate animals, I don't think Octopi would be high on my list. Have you tried it?

  9. I'm with Spaceboy................keep 'em swimming in the ocean and off my menu.

    - I sense a shutout for Osgood

    - I sense a tie for the Conn Smythe between Datsyuk, Zetterberg, Lidstrom, and Osgood

    - I sense an 'equipment malfunction' for Osgood when the game is out of hand and Hasek comes in briefly for his final stint in an NHL uniform

  10. hmmm a delicacy indeed

    i preferred by tentacled creatures deep fried

    ***4-1 wings

  11. deep fried. it's actually not too bad. cocktail sauce helps sometimes.

    i'm not going to predict the score, but keep this in mind:

    - when you can't score on a 5-3 in your own building w/ your top line, AND

    - the other team actually puts some offensive pressure on you ... by getting a shot off, and then continuing the forecheck ...

    i don't see how you can stack the deck any better and bring any positives into the next game on the road, where the home team can choose their lines, and where you have yet to score a goal.

    does that mean i think that Pitt won't score? no. i think they will. but between Babcock's previous SCF's disappointment, and the veteran leadership and experience of closing out a SCF of the wings, i just don't see this as being close.

    detroit will win by at least 2, and after a very intense 1st period by both sides, Pitt will get more and more desperate, take dumb penalties, rough up the wings, and ... ultimately lose their grip.

  12. Baby octopus with sushi. They're boiled, then chilled, and dipped in sauce. Yummm.

    Oh, I see. Think your clever wording will get me to finally give someone a prediction? Nice try, buddy, nice try. ;)

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