
Monet's Gardens, Chamonix, Louvre, climbing Alps in Paris?

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I am going to Paris in April and if you have been to any of these places or climbed the Alps, please describe! :) thanks




  1. Yes, I've done all of those, but only the Louvre is in Paris.

    Monet's Garden is in Giverny, which is quite a drive from Paris, and it will take you all day (at least) to drive or take a train from Paris to the Alps.

    All of these things are quite wonderful to do, but you really need to get your trip a little more organized and figure out what is realistic to do.

    One other thought:  The Alps are still covered with snow (melting and messy) in April, so this is really not a good time to try to go up into them.  Seeing them from below is fine. Monet's garden probably has things like irises in April, but it's not in its glory until probably early June.

    As far as the Louvre is concerned, it is huge, and you need to decide what you want to see.  Do you like classical painting?  Modern art?  Ancient art?  Renaissance decorative arts?  Go on the web and find out what all is there, then plan your time.  If you just go and wander about without planning, you might get bored by things you don't care about and miss the things that would excite you.

    Have a great time!

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