
Money Issues!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I admit... I may be a bit of a shopoholic... So SUE ME! I like a few nice things every once in awhile. I think I may have a problem, considering I can NEVER save money. How can I save my money??? The family that I used to babysit for on every Monday and Friday moved to Arkansas, and since I can't take a plane... they let me go. I depended on this, and now I am left with $39.22... So how can I make money, and then how can I save my money? Please help!!!




  1. How about finding another family to babysit for or another type of job?

  2. Find a new babysitting job to make sure you have money coming in and put a percentage of your paycheck each week into a savings account (not one linked to a checking account so you won't be tempted to access it at the ATM).

  3. You need to get another job....then pay yourself FIRST. When you get paid, put half of the money in the bank and plan on leaving it there*

  4. find a job, open a savings account and put your money in there. chances are that if you don't see the money when you check your balance, you aren't as tempted to spend it. out of sight out of mind.

    when you go shopping ask yourself if you really need it. also don't use your debit/credit card to buy stuff because it's easier to lose track of how much money you're spending because you don't physically see the money being spent.
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