
Money - Lots of it!?

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Where can one hide a LOT money from the Taxman, Family and Creditors? 7 figures worth! How do the mega rich do it?




  1. Offshore accounts & Swiss banks have long been famed for hiding the funds of the world's obscenely wealthy. But today's Taxmen & Creditors are much more savvy about rooting out such hiding places, what with computer tracking & such. A nameless numbered account isn't nearly as good at hiding funds these days as Hollywood makes it out to be.

    Your best bet is to be honest about your funds, their sources and their location. If not and "they" find out about it, you stand to lose a lot more than just taxes.

  2. TO GET THAT HUGE AMOUNT OF $$$$$$$$$$$$ CLICK THE LINK BELOW!!! It's completely free and will take you just a minuet! AND it then only requires about half an hour of work per month from you!!!

  3. any offshore account, grand cayman islands or Switzerland is a good start =) .

  4. put it in MY account,i dont pay taxes anyways,and i promise not to spend any of

  5. hide it in the Cayman Islands

  6. They have corporations.

    You can start a C-corp name your cat as the board president and your goldfish as a board member. Sell nothing, claim a loss, spend money on board meetings in Paris, Las Vegas, etc... report your "losses" to the IRS - no taxes owed.

    You can buy empty warehouses. Mortage them to the hilt. Put the purchasing amount into whole life insurance earning 11-15% Take a loan against the insurance to pay the mortage.

    You're left with no cash....but the insurance is liquid and available anytime via a non-taxable loan.

    The interest from the insurance covers the cost of the mortage. The mortage insures tax advantages of property ownership which balances out the profits of the insurance policy. It's beautiful - read Missed Fortune 101 for details that would thrill an accountant.

    Otherwise - hire a tax lawyer - their legal money laundering technics are amazing.
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