
Money and Dating Woes? (Wom. What would you Do?

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your partner (dating) and their sibling asks you for money $15K cash or credit card, and constantly pestered you for money, and would NOT back off, would you continue or sever the relatioship with your partner.

And your partner said if you loved them, you would help out their sibling




  1. No, do not loan them money.  If they continue, severe all ties with the partner and especially his/her family.

    And IF you are crazy enough to loan them the money, sign a contract saying they will pay you back, with interest. That way if you have to, you can take them to court and you have evidence that this was a loan, not a gift, and they understood they were supposed to pay you back.  If the partner and the sibling doesn't want to sign, then definitely DO NOT loan them the money!!

  2. "And your partner said if you loved them, you would help out their sibling"

    That is a big red flag, kick the person to the curb or you will have to deal with it for the rest of your life.  

  3. Absolutely not. Never lend money to friends or family unless you are prepared to never see either again.

    If she loved her sibling, she would help her sibling solve their own financial problems without relying on others to do it for them. I would end the relationship immediately.

    Unless she is my wife (she's not, we're just dating), nobody has ANY right to my financial business or my money.

  4. NO NO NO! Never lend money to friends or family! It only leads to problems and it sounds like this person is trying to take advantage. If they love you they would understand that you are not comfortable with it and drop it.

    The whole thing is just so ridiculous.  

  5. i would dump that boyfriend and tell their sibling that i'm not a walking atm! You are not obligated to give money to your boyfriend's sibling they need to get off their a** and get a JOB!!! if my partner put me in a situation like this i just would give up, how dare they? He's just a free loader!

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