1. My mother says some ivy league school give full rides, regardless if one excels at academics (I take Ap classes, get A's and what not, but I do not exactly stand out), and I find that hard to believe. She actually very mad at me because I've only settled for a good $45,000 private school which was "only" able to cut $30,000... Just to add, we are a low income family.
B.) I know many brighter students students who do not apply for Ivy league schools, and when I use them for a reason as to why I won't apply myself, my mother argues that "they're just intimidated by school", and that I "just don't believe in myself"
C.) Her payments to the school consists of $1,700 per month for four years. Is that too much? Even considering that she wants me to go to a high class school? She's very angry that in later years I won't look into ivy schools that "supposedly" give full rides on a whim, and calls me a spoiled brat! Am I a spoiled brat in having my parents help with school payments?