
Money for college for an older student?

by Guest31900  |  earlier

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I'm 48 y/o and after working in the Accounting field for 30 years, I quit last year to go back to school full time for Business Management. I will graduate from Community College in December '08 and want to find a grant to go on to get my Bachelors degree. I'm told that there is money for women in my situation who want to change careers. I have a 3.7 GPA and used my own cash for school so far, so I have no experience in finding this kind of help.




  1. I know one grant you may qualify for it's call the pell grant but it may depend on what your income is, I'm not sure about that.

  2. Ask the school of your choice how to get a student loan.

  3. look up fafsa.

    that might help.


    You may find your answer here. Good luck! I think it's great that you're going back to school!

  5. Yes, there is money for women in your situation who are going back to school, and have a good GPA thus far.  

    One that I found (although the deadline had passed and I didn't get to apply :-( ), is called the Jeanette Rankin Scholarship Foundation.  I believe it is a scholarship primarily geared towards women over 35, and I think you may have to be a "mom" to qualify, but am not sure of the details.  I'm sure if you did a search for that term, you'll find what you need, otherwise, consult with the university/college you want to attend for your BS, to obtain a list of scholarships available.  

    You can also look at - set your preferences, and they'll send you e-mail when new scholarships are posted.  

    Otherwise you can go to to apply for grants, work-study grants, and government loans.  

    Good luck, and keep going!!  

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