
Money in Germany?

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So when i go to germany I want to just take my debit card.... which is a Visa and can also be used as credit card.......and maybe some euros...... so when i take money out does it automatically convert my USD to euros? also how much does it cost to get euros from an ATM over there? oh... and how do I know for sure if my card will work there?




  1. There is no problem with using an ATM in Germany and the rate of exchange is the best you can get. The cash you obtain from the ATM will be in Euros. The extra cost would be your banks rate for using an ATM overseas, usually not too bad. Call and inquire of your bank and see what logo you need to look for. I have traveled for one month twice a year in Europe for the last 18 years and have never had a problem. I do take about 200 euros to start that I obtain in the states before I leave. The source I have listed below is invaluable for any traveler to Europe.

  2. I travel to Germany once a quarter for personal reasons.  If you open a Bank of America checking account in America before you go, you can withdraw from Deutsche Bank for free (there is a 1% conversion fee).  I would not use it as a credit card though for purchases, they charge 3%!  I have a CitiBank card for that.  Good luck and safe travels!

  3. ATMs give the best exchange rates, but there is a fee.  The fee is the same regardless of the amount you pick up, so taking larger amounts reduces the %age of the fee.  If you are with Citibank, they don't charge a fee if you pick up at another Citibank.

  4. I agree with all the others, but MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL: PLEASE!!!!! call the visa company and your bank and tell them you will be traveling overseas! If they don't know, they might lock your card because they think it got stolen or someone got your information. Make sure they know:

    1: When you will leave the US.

    2: Where you will be traveling (Europe, or just Germany, or...)

    3: When you will be back.

    4: Make sure they know all of the above information at least two weeks before you leave the country, as it will need some time to find it's way into all the different departements that are taking care of your account.

    Otherwise you might end up in Europe having your card and information, but the bank will not let you have any money.

    Also, Visa might merge all the amounts you spend on your card and book them on one day. If they do that, they will not take the individual amounts you spent or withdrew and calculate the exchange rate for that specific date before merging the amounts, but simply merge the amount in Euros, and calculate the exchange rate for the day they are booking it. That might be good or bad for you, either way, depending on the exchange rate. Just make sure you know if they merge or do it individually per amount.

    Have a good time!

  5. call the card company....

  6. The exchange is made at the current rate that day for converting dollars to euros.  However, your bank that has its name on your Visa card will charge an exhange fee.  That fee ranges widely depending upon the bank that your card is associated with.  Call to find out what your fee will be.  You may also want to check with several other local banks to see what there exchange fee woutl be.  In my case, I took out a debit card at another bank prior to leaving on my trip as the exchange fee was significantly lower!!!
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