
Money is everything.?

by Guest62890  |  earlier

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Why does a single person still pay double, even so a lot of people travel solo? I am furious.




  1. money is definitely not everything . Money are the tools to make a better life . If you have good money ,it doesnot mean that you will have  very good life , but if you donot have good money , it is certain that you donot have very good life  This is the earthly world now ...

  2. I don't know what you mean about a single person paying double.  Airlines charge the same amount for a single person as they do for a couple flying together (single charge x 2).  Sorry, if this doesn't help...the question is vague.  With regards to Money is everything, it definitely isn't.  Happiness is everything.  Proof is in the pudding.  Have you watched the news lately?  Britney Spears is worth $10s of Millions, but look how messed up she is.  She is only one example...many of the worlds richest people cannot find what many of us take for granted...happiness.  While I'd still like a bit more money, for comforts sake, I've found wealth in the more simple aspects of life like family, charity and integrity.

  3. you seem like a good person, I'm sure good things will come your way ..
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