
Money issue? one or the other.

by  |  earlier

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I want to get an i phone and have half of the money for it but i also want to get teeth whitening for back to school. The i phone is 200 and the whitening is 50. What should i get first and should i just get 2 whitening treatments and no i phone or should i get no whitening and keep saving for the i phone ?




  1. I would say Get your teeth whiten and  save up money 4 the phone

  2. Whichever is most important to you.  Really don't know why a student needs an iphone but that is up to you.

  3. If you really want both, maybe you should try the drugstore whitening products. I believe that Crest White Strips are like $25 so that's 1/4 of your total money. Since that's a reasonable price maybe you can ask you parents to pay for it [if you're in high school or w/e] and say it will help with self confidence having a nice smile. And for the iPhone why not ask to go 50/50 with your parents so they'll pay $100 and so will you.

    I know it sounds like a lot from your parents but it's back to school!

    The thing is whatever choice you make you won't really get anything. If you choose the iPhone you have to wait until you have $100 to get it and that good potentially take awhile. If you go with the teeth whitening you'll have to way even longer to get the phone...but your teeth will be white...for a certain amount of time.

    Essentially it's up to you.

    Try thinking of ways to get some extra cash and think of the pros/cons of each choice.

    GOOD LUCK :)

    maybe next time you'll be asking a question on here from your iPHONE. :):):)  

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