
Money problems (and other things) interfere with my happiness?

by  |  earlier

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I know the title might give the wrong message,

but I'm a 15 year old boy. I got a job during the summer.

I get paid 8 bucks an hour. I don't make much though..

The problem is the fact that my mom is doing hard labour.

Blueberry picking. it's coming to an end too.

But she has NOTHING planned after that.

She declined an offer for a job too

it was about 6 bucks an hour, but at least we wouldn't starve.

she has no plans, she's a single parent. and on top of that.

When the amount of money we have gets to the point where we can barely survive. She blames me to be the reason of everything.

She says that 'your the reason your dad left us, if we had him we wouldn't be barely surviving. I get mad and I hit her, I know it's wrong to, but at the same time she deserves it. She has her own flaws, and I get blamed for them. She always tells me about these problems at the wrong time, during school. I can hardly focus. My grades drop and it leaves me depressed. What the h**l should I do? See a councellor?

Is that gonna smarten up my mom?




  1. You both need counseling and maybe you need removed from your home, you can not raise your hand to your mother no matter what she said.  You know you can get put in jail for this, the emotional abuse you mom pulls on you can get you taken away from her.  Your both wrong in this.  See if you can go live with your dad or another relative.

  2. Yes, maybe see a councilor. Try to get some sense in her. Your story made me depressed >.>

  3. Your mom has her own problems so please don't take them own as your own. Its easy to say and hard to do. In your mind you can be happy and you project that happiness as will. Be at peace first with your self and the peace that you want for your mom will come. You can not live her life even if you are in it for a time. Do what you can and please try not to worry about what you can not handle. This is the only way you will have any peace. I know this is very hard to do.

    But you can not live for someone else. They are what life as made of them and what they have allow life to change them into.  

  4. Seeing a councellor won't smarten up your mum but they can help you both sort things out and maybe help your mum realise that she needs to have a job as a means of supporting you both. It's not fair of her to blame you but sometimes we need an outlet for our anger and sadly thats often placed upon the people we love most. Good on you for going out there and getting a job and supporting yourself.

    Your mum is probably incredibly proud of you she might just find it harder to show. I suggest you do see a councellor and try and get your mum to as well. If she sees how unhappy you are she will probably realise she has to change her ways and not place such presssure on you.

  5. Sorry bro, but it seems that your a little bit carried away with the problem.. You should not hit your mother no matter what she will do, because with out your mother your nothing.

    Boy all of people has the same problem, money, love, shelter, food. But despite on that there is always a God to be lean with. Put your all trust with him, don't do things that could lead you in the h**l of being dumb and crazy. You are not alone boy, someone is playing your song. Trust God and please never never to hurt your mother nor your brother sister and anybody.

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