
Money raising idea's?

by  |  earlier

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a group of friends and i have opened a website but it's to help parents out as a ground force kind of thing

we were looking into ways of making it a charity as the website is just for public awareness

we found to be a registered charity in the uk we need to have atleast £5000 to be abled to register as one

so we need to raise this to be abled to become a charity and people to take us seriously

any idea's where we can start and/or would you sponcer us?

our website is still in the making hence still very basic at the moment




  1. You need to contact your local CVS (Google your town and CVS). They will help you to draw up a governing document and with training for your trustees on governance, management, finance, funding, etc. Once you are established, you can open a bank account and are allowed to advertise your cause as charitable, even if you dont yet have enough money to register as a charity. E mail if you need help.

  2. you can collect lots of cans and bring them 2 the nearest safeway..if you have one. You get money... or a garage sale or flea market ;)
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