
Money started everything bad?

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Money started everything bad?

Money, it's the main cause of global warning... right?

Trees > Wooden furniture etc > People get paid > End of the world.

Trees produce oxygen, which we need to live.

If people chopped wood, trees, down. How are we going to survive; money is the cause. People want more of it, so they do whatever they can, I think money should be destroyed.

What do you think?




  1. I'll bet you don't believe it enough to do it.

  2. "Money is the root of all evil".

    yep, that's what mom said.

    and to a large degree, it's true.

    but not completely.

    however, w/o money, i might point out, you'd not be able to have posted your question.

    our society could not exist.

    money makes society possible.

    as for trees, i'm "sort'a" with you.

    clearly it would be good if we cut only replanted forests.

    but as you point out, money is causing virgin forests to be cut down.

    on the whole however, i cannot agree with you.

    money provides far more benefits than problems.

  3. i opened up a money destroying company... so AMERICA send ALL ur money to me!! ill destroy it for u

  4. At a meeting of leftist bloggers, Al Gore laid out his plan to switch America's electricity production to wind, solar, and geothermal in the next ten years. Gore stated that the plan would also eliminate America's need for foreign oil, but it his plan would destroy the U.S. economy and cost far too much to implement in such a short time frame.

    A better solution would be to increase the use of coal and nuclear power plants.

    Gore's talking about electricity generation, and what he's really substituting out is one of our most abundant resources that makes us energy-independent -- and that's coal. nd he doesn't allow for us to use nuclear.

    The U.S. can get off of foreign oil is to drill domestically. If oil can be obtained from our own domestic locations -- either the outer continental shelf or ANWR or oil shale in Utah and the Rockies, and it can be done without environmental not 100 percent guarantee of no environmental harm, but reasonable kinds of risks of environmental harms that would not be catastrophic -- then why wouldn't we? Why wouldn't we do that?

    Amazing thing is Gore uses more fuel in a month that the average American does in a year and the eco-freaks think he is their answer..

  5. I used to be one of those who cut down the trees, and your lack of understanding is amazing. The fores if managed right need to be cut and there is sustainable logging practice.   Stop listening to extreme groups who worship the planet, and the trees they indoctrinate with fear, and call those who disagree with them evil.

    Money is a means of exchange,  it is neither bad or good, by the way tree reproduce themselves in a sustainable forest and since I live where there is more forest today then ever I am tired of this same old song I have heard for over 35 years.

  6. Money itself is not evil, it is how some people use it to benefit themselves and cheat others that is evil. Link below:

    Unquestionably, there is progress. The average American now pays out twice as much in taxes as he formerly got in wages.

    H. L. Mencken

  7. There are still tribes on this planet that have no currency...and they still prefer to build wooden furniture as opposed to sitting in the dirt.  Money (and capitalism) is not evil.

  8. Typical example of Green Marxist philosophy, at least from the common man.  Now if you are at the top of the Green elite, you think of ways to make millions off the peons by taxing them, making them buy carbon credits (Al Gore owns a company, if you are interested), and generally getting control over EVERY aspect of your life.

    Money is good, if you make money you can help others, you can spend it on yourself and family, you can go to SCHOOL.

    Give it to AL Gore, and you will simply fuel his private jet or one of his 3 energy gulping mansions.....the choice is yours.

  9. Money is not the cause of global warming. It has been hot before, when there was no such thing as money.Money is a medium of exchange, if we didn't have that we would either have to be completely isolated and independent, making and doing everything for ourselves,which would seem impossible to achieve, and probably even worse for global warming, everyone with their own little camp -fire seeing as we wouldn't be sharing anything, ridiculous; or we would have to barter and exchange goods and services, money merely makes this more convenient.

    Almost everyone wants a better life, there is enough to go round,it's the unequal distribution that causes a lot of our problems. We might be better trying to adapt to climate change than prevent it, no-one wants to give up their cars and so on. there are no easy answers, we shall just have to see what happens.

  10. Money is just an abstraction to allocate finite resources and is completely amoral, it is how we humans use money that is good or evil.  We also do need a way to allocate resources so if you destroy money we'll just end up reinventing it.

    Ultimately though pollution does tend to increase as people get more wealthy but eventually the people get wealthy enough that they have a decent life and now want to breath clean air as well so they invest in cleaner technologies.  Environmentalism ultimately is a luxury that requires people to be well-off for those who are not well-off are going to be more concerned with becoming well-off (or even just staying alive) than anything else, including whether the planet will still be habitable for their grandkids.

  11. Wrong it was the lust of man.

  12. I think you're correct, but should go one step further by saying the money is being used to expand and develop a world socialist agenda.  That's what I believe.

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