
Monica wore a Blue Easter Dress. Do Bill & Hill think all Easter Dresses should be blue in Honor of Bill?

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Dems say he belongs on Mt. Rushmore.




  1. Huh?

    Thanks, now I have the song "In my Easter bonnet..." stuck in my head.

  2. pat, that investigation was one of the most embarrassing moments for the American people. Republicans wasted money going after a president they didn't like, and who keeps a dress with spooge on it? That's when I turned my republican card in and said, no more of this c**p. This is the party that claims to take care of America? what a joke? and you bringing up something that happened 8 years ago. Get off of your self righteous high horse. You're just as morally bankrupt as the rest of those neo-cons. I said neo-cons, not conservatives. I see nothing wrong with conservatives and liberals. It's the extreme parts of these parties that people like you follow. Give yourself a break man. I think the American people are sick and tired of people like you.

  3. Monica was Bob Dole's next door neighbor in Washington. Perhaps he was the one who told her which dress to wear.

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