hey, my monitor just fails to turn on when i turn on my computer. Im pretty sure it's a hardware problem because at startup, i get two really short beeps then after a slight pause i get 8 short beeps (which are longer than the ones in the first two). Then after aniother pause, i get another short beep.
What i don't know is what the problem is and in what part of the comp.
Also, i want to add that when i turn on the comp, everything in the tower seems to be working fine. also, after turning the comp. on, i wait for a couple of minutes. after this point, i know that the computer is presenting me with the welcome screen (even though i cant see it). Then, i press the down arrow key ((this usually prompts me to enter the password for my account). Then i am able to enter the pasword. After that, i hear the sound that windows xp gives when you are logged in.
Therefore, it seems like a lot of things are working fine, jes that theres a problem with the monitor. maybe its the video card?
additionally, before this problem happened, i had openeed my computer to take out a ram card and an ethernet card (i had grounded myself btw). maybe that info will help u. anyway, i hope you guys can tell me what the problem is. thankx in advance!