
Monologue ideas?

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I am looking for monologue ideas for a competition I am doing in November. I'm a teenager, female, just to give an idea of what sort of monologue would be suitable. Thanks :)




  1. Depending what type you need for the competition, like if you need a comedy one, then go with that. (Funny ones are always a plus!) Lol. Drama is for something more serious trying out for a sappy romantic play.

    I'm pretty sure if you google "____ Monologues" you'll get a lot of results.

    Or go to Borders or Barnes and Nobles and I'm pretty sure their is a book.

  2. What are you going for Drama or Comedy?

    If its drama you're going for something like excerpts for "Diary of Ann Frank" could allow you to display a wide array of emotion.

    If you're more inclined to the comedic side of things I would look for something less well known so that you could really infuse yourself into it and make it your own. Unfortunately I can't really give you any specific references in comedy as I don't see as much of that.

    What it really comes down to though is what kind a person you are. I mean even though it's acting and you're pretending to be a number of people you're not everyone connects more deeply to some material of others so the best advice I can give you is also the most cliched: just perform something that feel passionate about and it will alway show in your performance.

  3. Since it is a competition, I would see what sort of monologues have won in past years.  Doing a monologue about finding a monologue might be funny, but they might not approve of original monologues.  Also the question of length is important as well.  Look at past years' winners and see what type of monologues the judges have favored and if you can tell where those monologues came from.  That's your best bet!

  4. You don't say how long the monologue needs to be??I did an Alan Bennett one 35 mins long!Poss too long for you?? Go to your local library and look on their database.You should find something. Break a leg :)

  5. Best thing to do is to start reading plays that interest you and see if there's a piece you're right for.

    Alternatively, you can go to Barnes and Noble or someplace and buy a monologue book. Just be sure if you find something you like, that you read the play its from so you'll have background info on your character and you will fully understand the situation you're playing.

    Hope all goes well!

  6. Try this for a start

  7. I LOVE this monologue.

    LUCY (from You‘re a Good Man, Charlie Brown)

    "Do you know what I intend? I intend to be a queen. When I grow up I’m going to be the biggest queen there ever was, and I’ll live in a big palace and when I go out in my coach, all the people will wave and I will shout at them, the summertime I will go to my summer palace and I’ll wear my crown in swimming and everything, and all the peo ple will cheer and I will shout at them... What do you mean I can’t be queen? Nobody should be kept from being a queen if she wants to be one. It’s usually just a matter of knowing the right people.. ..well.... if I can’t be a queen, then I’ll be very rich then I will buy myself a queendom. Yes, I will buy myself a queendom and then I’ll kick out the old queen and take over the whole operation myself. I will be head queen."

  8. once my friend couldnt think of any ideas of wat to do for a monologue so he did a monologe about not being able to do a monologue it was hillarours!

  9. I have done some research on places on the internet where you can find monologues of all types, including teen monologues, monologues for girls, women, men, comical monologues, short comedic monologues, etc. I also answer a lot of questions about how to effectively memorize a monologue as well as about common mistakes that actors often make while performing a monologue for an audition. On this page on my site for new and aspiring actors, you will find all that information including links to the types of monologues you are looking for.

    Good luck in your audition.

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