
Monopoly board game question?

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So I was playing Disney Pixar Monopoly then my dad buys all the yellow properties (3). So he then says he wants to put traffic cones on them, (traffic cones are like the small green motels in the regular monopoly). So he then buys only 2, ONLY 2 Not 3 to even them out. Then I said you cannot do that you have to evenly distrubute then through the properties and he said no you don't, this then lead to a big arguement. Please help me.




  1. I haven't played the Disney version, but I assume the rules are the same are the regular version.  The rules for the regular version state,

    "A player . . . must build evenly (i.e.: he cannot erect more than one house on any one property of any color-group until he has built one house on every property of that group.  He may then begin on the second row of houses, and so on, up to a limit of four houses to a property.  For example, he cannot build three houses on one property if he has only one house on another property of that group."

    In other words - you can have an uneven number of houses on the properties as long as the difference isn't more than one.  So you can have one house on a property without having houses on all three, but you can't put a 2nd house on that property until all three have at least one house.  If your dad put 2 houses/traffic cones on one property and none on the others, then he was wrong.  If he put one each on two of the properties and none on the third, he was OK.

  2. He can do that, but what he cant do is add a second cone/house to the previous properties without placing one on the third/blank property.

  3. You are correct.  Tell your dad that I think he was trying to cheat you and that is not fair.  We always play by the rules and that is good life examples.  By the way, just show him the rule book.

    Edit:  Wait a minute.  You said small green hotels and I missed that part.  The small Green ones are houses and not hotels and they can be placed one by one on the properties as long as you don't have, say, 2 on one and none on another.  Hotels are equivalent to 5 houses and must follow the same rules.  So if you meant hotels, then the answer stays as above.  But if you meant houses, then you owe your dad an apology, and so do I.

  4. You were correct....

  5. I have played Monopoly many times and the way that I play it is the way that you said it should be. I have always played that you need to evenly distribute them. You can't only buy two or one. You have to put motels or hotels on all of the properties that are of the same color.

    Hope that you settle it.

  6. you were right

  7. I love monopoly.

    I'm very good.

    You are correct though.

    If you want to buy houses you at LEAST have to put one on EACH to even them out.

  8. you have to buy even one for each

  9. I don't know where all these people learned to play Monopoly, but your father is correct.  You can build any number of houses (cones) you want (up to four each), but you cannot have more than one more on any property than any other in the group(you can have 0, 1, 1: 2,1,1; etc but not 0,2,1; 2,4,2 etc)

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