
Monopoly game : rules question?

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On reading the rules of the game, it appears that one is expected to accumulate property, by buying it as one progresses around the board. Doesn't one normally inherit it by birthright? ( I see no mention of this in the leaflet).




  1. That's what I seem to be waiting forever for.  It seems that longevity runs like a "curse" in my family!

  2. I found Monopoly drearily mono-cultural, so I invented a new version. In my version, you start with nothing but a Kalashnikov, and you have to take all the land from the people who own it, and kill them if they will not give it to you. It is much more fun, and better adapted to the African approach to land-ownership.

    I have played it with some white friends, and they are very good losers.

  3. Monopoly is based around the idea of starting a business and taking over everything (hence the term 'monopoly'). Most people who inherit by birthright don't turn to that.

    You could make it a custom rule, though, just for fun.

  4. They probably abolished at the same time as they privatised the Water Works.

  5. Buying property? are you mad, you haven't given into trade have you, oh my lord whatever next, one inherits property or steals it from some ignorant tribesman from Rhodesia but buy? I rather think not.

  6. depends how you play it.

  7. Now see, the way I play it is this:

    The board is replaced by Great Britain, and I simply waltz into people's homes, give them a wad of cash and kick them out.  

    I then build hotels on the land and charge Americans extortionate sums to stay there the night.  

    Ergo I always win at monopoly.

  8. No, you buy property you land on in the game as you go around the board.

    I would imagine if say a father died during mid-game, his heir: daughter/son would be in line  to collect said property and continue playing, but im sure a trip to the hospital and funeral arrangements would hold more bearing at  that time.

    So no, no inheritance as a game rule, house rule, chance or communitity chest card would fit any inheritance during the game.

  9. its your house your rules just declair rules before you start and let each person make up one rule for that game write them on a post it note so one is not to forget

  10. Board ????? Rotter, Marmalade, and myself, take to riding around London, in our trains, cars, and in Rotters case on the back of his Irish Wolfhound..... we buy the said locations and in Rotters case, always ends up in jail...... it is very satisfying leveling peoples homesteads.. and rebuilding our erections upon them

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