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what are the 27 fundimental errors of monopoly?




  1. Do you mean fundamental?

  2. your an idiot.. you play it for fun not making errors

  3. 1. game does not include cheese to eat-more cheese; definately

    2.If anyone actually lived on the boardwalk and payed 2000 to do so they belong homeless. A board walk is full of businesses-not residential property.

    3.The jail is made of cardboard-figure it out silly!

    4.The game was made by a man and is a fassion disaster-red does not go with yellow nor fuscia with orange.

    5.Free parking all ready has a car parked there.

    6.The hotels have no ammenities. Who would want to stay in an empty red shell besides a lobster. maybe it should be called Lobstopoly!???

    7.The horse is bigger than the boat-Is this a prehistoric horse that anyone realy wouldn't want to land on thier property? Kind of like-jurassic park coming to your town.!!!

    8.More cheese needed!

    9.$10.00 for a beauty contest-this is a misprinted card and is suppose to be spelled, B-O-O-T-Y. I'd pay $10.00 for his boots but come on....have you seen the monopoly guy???

    10.There's no warning to the more unfortunate-I once sold a get out of jail free card to someone for 51.00 and Pennsylvania ave for $23,000.00. (My nephews mother is still upset at me!)

    11.Medditerranian ave and Baltic-What is this a cardboard box-the best 2 and 4 dollars can buy for the night. Probably comes with a view master in the rooms instead of a tv.

    12.There's no bathrooms-probably just as well since you'de have to pay 57.50 to pee. It"s better to just go behind the electric company like everyone in my town does.

    13.There's no restaurants, movie theaters, parks or recreational areas-This place would be so loaded with crime they'd not just have a jail but a couple maximum security prisons-this game is realy square-literally.

    14.Even if you're driving a hat you still have to pay a luxury tax.the hat doesn't even have any stinkin wheels or a nice paint job-come on!

    15. Did I mention how important it is to have cheese while playing?

    16.Over half of this monopoly community can't afford to pay for transportation via the railroads-what they need is a subway or cheap taxi service(just incase thier hat doesn't start some morning)

    17.Where do the children go to school- they have a pay school tax in the community chest cards. As always, it's just a sham for the town to get your money-this is obviously an old folks; with no children community.

    18.There's no street numbers for the fire department to find there way-oh that's right-there's no fire dept.

    19.The Monopoly guy is frightningly thin-perhappes they should have included food stamps in the game.???what do you think?


    21.There's no real estate agents in the area and I'm thinking Donald Trump owns the bank. There's something wrong with that right there.

    22.Off hand I love Monopoly but I just want to know why there's no cheese!!!

  4. 1) playing it.

    2-27) see 1)

  5. No idea but its a good game anyway.

  6. what? there is no errors lol.

  7. When Monopoly was first invented I believe it was initially turned down by Parker Brothers for what they said were 52 fundamental errors in the design of the game. I have never found Monopoly interesting, so I have never researched enough to find out what those "design flaws" were. You may find these links helpful.

    4 hours ago


  8. When Monopoly was first invented I believe it was initially turned down by Parker Brothers for what they said were 52 fundamental errors in the design of the game.   I have never found Monopoly interesting, so I have never researched enough to find out what those "design flaws" were.  You may find these links helpful.
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