
Monopoly - what should i do? is this allowed?

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i always lose in monopoly because the other players are ganging up on me. example, player a landed on my property and he doesn't have enough money to pay rent. what he did was to sell all his property to player b for one dollar! is this allowed?




  1. No, player A and B are both lying, cheating, thieves.

    Don't play with them. They are ruining the spitir of the game.

  2. If you agree before hand it's a "house rule'  (in other rules. one of those technical rules you can bend) then, yeah, it's OK, but if you're playing by the book , or if it's not one of the 'house rules', speak up and tell them you want that eliminated because you're getting the raw end of the deal   (are you the only one they do it to?)   If you do it too, then watch your step on that one  LOL

  3. the property should be sold for the price on the back of the card...   why are they doing that to you?  if they don't have enough money to pay rent then when they land on you and don't have it then they are out of the game and you are closer to winning....

  4. I dont play that way.  The way i play is that you sell it back for mortgage price on the back.  I may be playing the wrong way but it seems fair to me.

  5. OK, strictly speaking, that is not allowed in the rules, but there are so many "house rules", it could happen

  6. No. You are allowed to sell your property back to the bank for the original price you paid but you can't sell it directly to another player.

  7. They are not playing right.  Find some new playmates.

  8. GET NEW FRIENDS...those people are being

    way mean to you.

    PS: I love Monopoly and am never mean!

  9. No, that is not allowed in the original rules, but some people create the house rules. I think they are cheating LOL.

  10. That's not a good fair trade.

    They are ganging up on you.

    You should not play with those unfair players.

  11. I did that once - it is allowed, however before the next game we made a deal not to do it again. If you don't think it is fair, steal money from the box. Its not called cheating - its called winning.

  12. Take a dump on Free Parking

  13. technically no, its not allowed.

    read up on the instruction manual.. there is nothing like that in there. the people you are playing with just aren't playing the real game and aren't being fair players.

    you gotta play hard back.... they wanna cheat, before you play, stick a nice amount of monopoly money in your pocket when they aren't around. pull it out when your gonna play.... its all about winning-- don't let them cheat like that!

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