
Monroe piercing digging into skin.?

by  |  earlier

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i just got it done. it's legit, DIGGING into my skin, because it's so swollen.

now, i'm not gonna take it out, but i would like to know what will help the swelling go down.

i've been using dial antibacterial soap, and alcohol free mouthwash, but it isn't helping..




  1. I'd go back to the piercer who did it. If the weren't really a great/legitimate piercer, find another. Maybe he/she didn't use a long enough bar so it wouldn't interfere with the swelling...

  2. You can try putting a cold wet wash cloth on the piercing. It'll relieve some of the pressure and take the swelling down a bit. Don't take it out.... it's a waste of a perfectly good piercing :o)

  3. do not over use mouthwash or washing it.

    that will possibly make it worse for you.

    if you took it out, its gonna take a bit to go back down.

    you just have to wait it out and take care of it.

  4. If it is really new swelling is normal. Its a pity it is so bothersome for you.

    Nurofen is an anti-inflammatory. Try that within the prescribed dose.

  5. Your piercer should have put in a longer bar for the intitial few weeks , to allow for swelling.

    My suggestion is put ice on the piercing, and continue to clean it. Book back in with your piercer, and explain that it's too tight due to welling, and so can it be replaced with a longer bar.

  6. Soap and mouthwash will both irritate the piercing. You should only be using sea salt solution to clean it. Mix 1/4 tsp with 1 cup warm water. Soak the outside of your lip using a piece of gauze, and swish the solution in your mouth for a few minutes. soaks should last 10 mins, 2-3 times per day. You will want to rinse your mouth with the solution after meals in addition to the soaks.

    You can take some ibuprofen for the pain and swelling. It should help.

    You will also want to go back to your piercer and have them switch the jewelry for a longer piece.  The longer post should help relieve some of the pressure you're feeling.

    Don't take it out unless you have decided you don't want the piercing anymore. If you do take it out, keep up with the sea salt soaks for a week or so, until the wound heals.

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