Monsanto promotes its GM c**p as safe, yet the EU, Japan and the 3rd world see it as it really is- serfdom to Monsanto.
In infamous Schmeiser vs Monsanto (M) case ruled that if GM cross-pollinated or contaminated non GM crop- non-GM became property of M along with all seeds farmers store for developing his own better seed.
In contracts (serfdom) with M a farmer must:
Never use own crops or seed
Use only M seed
Use only M chemicals
Agree to random, no-warrant inspections from private M crop inspectors
Never take M to court- ever- even if land is rendered unusable/contaminated if you want to start afresh as a non M-serf farmer
If M fines you for violations- you must sign a non-disclosure statement
MUST pay $15/acre- regardless of yield
If Monsanto suspects possible GM crop contamination even on independent farmers land they can w/out warrant drop an aerial herbicide bomb- if crop dies- farmer is safe- if not- M will take them to cleaners.