
Monster HDMI question?

by  |  earlier

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If I buy a Monster Cable HDMI 400 Cable, to connect my upconverting DVD player to my HDtv, is this the only wire I will need? No Reds, whites, greens, blues, yellows??..(sorry, my home theater knowledge is severely lacking)..THANKS FOR ANY HELP




  1. Monster Cables are expensive. Just buy the regular ones and they give the same results.

    And yes, you will only need a HDMI cable to connect your DVD player to your TV directly. This is assuming you're not using any receiver.

  2. If you are planning on getting your audio from your TVs speakers then yes. If you have a home theater receiver then you should connect HDMI to the receiver and another HDMI from the receiver to the TV.

    Bit of advice that will save you some $$ DONT buy anything from Monster. They have great marketing and fancy packaging but their product is WAY overpriced and no better than other brands on the market. Do a comparison and look at the links I've provided below.

  3. If you have high end stuff that would benefit from having the monster cable don't go cheep with the 400. Go for the 1000.  

    Keep in mind HIGH END is not what you can get at most retail stores like Best Buy or the likes. If you have less the $10,000 into your system go cheep, you wont see the difference.

  4. I sincerely hope that the above post saying to go with monster cable was a joke.

  5. HDMI sends sound and video it is the only cable you need. If you buy an expensive monster cable you are wasting money, get a cheap HDMI cable it will work just as well. The monster cable is like buying a gallon jug to hold your cup of water it's way more than you need.
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