
Monster Quest scares the daylights out of me. Anyone agree ?

by  |  earlier

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I saw a Monster Quest on "rods" when they totally confirmed that there are supersonic multidimensional paranormal creatures that want to hurt us. They fly around so fast you can only see them at certain angles. Monster Quest was not able to confirm why they want to hurt us which freaks me out even more. I would make peace with them if they would listen to reason. After that show I lined my bedroom with tin foil just to keep the rods from sensing my aura. I'm trying to confirm if the foil takes the magical powers from midgets on an alternative medicine post I just did. But those people are whack jobaroonies (go figure).




  1. i love monsterquest,but the rods 1 was freaky

  2. I'm glad you posted this. I used to not even know if evil existed as evolved evil, but when I asked to be shown, encountered it everywhere I went....the story is so long, it cannot be told here, but here are some things I have learned:

    1. If something gives you the creeps, respect your own feelings and listen to your body talk.

    2. I have met person who admit to beinng on the side of Dracula...and I can send you some pretty dark profiles of evolved entities posing as humans if you wish.

    3. These beings have a certain energy they project, and even though their logic is so beguiling, if their energy is out of tune with your own, you can feel it.

    4. There is no reasoning with these beings...they have no soul left. You don't want them in your mind anymore than you want cockroaches in your house.

    5. You wouldn't be posting this if something wasn't scaring you, and nothing that is good will scare you, but reassure you.

    I have found that by listening to my own body, I have developed discernemnt and also had a dream where the mind of mankind is only half in alignment with the spirit and body. Learning to listen to that still small voice in you plus the voice of your body will help you use 100& of your mind, NOT the other way around.

  3. Peggy is right whether you believe in spirits or not don't try to interact with them.

    If you want to see your guardian that's one thing but to ask to be shown the darkside is something some can never get over.

  4. ROFLMAO!!!!

    dont worry

    unless you've done somthing to them

    they wont want to hurt u

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