
Monster and career builder suck. anyone know a REAL job search site?

by  |  earlier

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monster and careerbuilder are total b.s. i've gotten nothing but insurance sales and work at home scam offers. i'm a good dude that needs a job, but even my local paper's want ads (also available online) are pure c**p. it's come down to good-ol' driving around with a stack o reumes- which is fine, but i thought this was the jetsons information age? and where's my flying car?




  1. Try  It will search all of the major job websites in one shot.  Good luck!

  2. it is self explanitory, good luck.

  3. try  

  4. I will say siftin is best for searching jobs. You just need to tweak the keywords a couple of time, but their results and preview feature is worth the wait.

    you can search jobs at local and top career sites at siftin

    I love their result preview capability

  5. I have been looking for a job too and you're right those websites suck big time.  The problem is that there are thousands of other people on those sites too and they are applying for the same jobs so the competition is way too high.  Do you really think an employer is going to go through thousands of resumes?  I doubt it.  It's just crazy.  The best way to get a job now a days is to know someone who already works at the place you want a job at.  I don't know alot of people so it's been hard for me.  I rarely ever get a call back when I hand in a resume.  Times are rough and it's not fair for people who actually are good workers and want to work for a living instead of going on welfare.  

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