
Monster and red bull ... are they alcoholic ???

by  |  earlier

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if it is not ..

why wont the stores sell it to the people under 18 ??




  1. No they are not, in fact I have never heard of anyone being carded for buying them. And for a side note, I know a lot of drinks in bars are now made with these new energy drinks, consuming more than one or two is VERY dangerous! The mix of the upper in the energy drink and the natural downer of alcohol can cause serious health problems and even death.

  2. I buy it all the time and I have never been I.D for that im not sure where you live but there is nothing in it.

  3. I live in Australia and over here it's definietly not alcoholic! The age restrictions could be because it has a high level of guarana in it. If you drink too many cans of it you can have a heart attack and die. It's happened over here before! So perhaps your government think young people won't follow the guidelines of how many to have in one day?

  4. My friend and I had about 20 between the both of us and we were SOOOOOOOO sick the next day worse then a hangover.  

  5. there is no alcohol in either. I don't know why they aren't selling it to you. There is no age limit on those two drinks.

  6. They're afraid you're gonna cause a rukus.

  7. No. It has a lot of caffeine and guarana, as well as taurine. Some people believe that this combination is dangerous.

  8. If it had alcohol in it, the stores in Pennsylvania wouldn't be able to sell it. So, no, it doesn't have alcohol in it.

    As for the Swedish not selling it to people under 18, that could be because it has caffeine in it. Caffeine has been determined to be bad for your health, and I understand the Swedes are health conscious. (I could be wrong about that, but that's what I heard)


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