
Monsters we say they don't exist, but do you think it is possible in space? I mean there were dinosaurs?

by Guest66546  |  earlier

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Of course you have to be careful how you talk about this and I'm not crazy enough to go around like I have real or perceptual evedence of them, but I believe it is possible somewhere.




  1. I personally do not believe in monsters.  This being said, I do believe, however, in sickness in people which cause them to do monstrous things.

    Concerning monsters in space, I believe that there is life on other planets and in other solar systems.  I don't think of them as monsters, but as other creatures, such as ourselves.  While they may be animistic, aquatic, or like us, they certainly are not monsters.

    Dinosaurs - they were not monsters either.  They were "extra large" animals or reptiles, whichever you prefer.

    Have a lovely rest of the day.

  2. Of course there are other creatures out in space on other planets. It would be wrong to think we were the only people in the universes!

  3. Any creature (bigger than a flea) from another planet would likely be a monster to us.

  4. there are monster,s  it,s just most people refuse to believe in what they can,t see ,though what people might call monsters i see as undiscovered species.

    but as to whats out in space the is no reason to believe  there arent other life forms  on other planets  there might even be humanoid life forms out there somewhere ,people just need to keep a open mind

  5. Hmmm...

    'Somewhere beyond the sea.... '

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