
Montego bay jamacia?

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I am going to montego bay and i was wondering if there is anywhere in that area where i can find alot of rasta colored stuff. Love the rasta, but i just dont know where to find it. ANNNND I have heard that montego bay is kinda dangerous. Any inout on that?




  1. You will find lots of rasta colored stuff all over Montego Bay.

    Like any busy city, watch your purse and just be aware of your surroundings.

    It is always better to travel with someone.

  2. Montego bay is just like any tourist area, but they do have visible security in most shopping areas.I was at ease within 30 min of walking around. Jamaicans really do go out of there way to make sure all visitors feel welcome. There is plenty of the rastaferrin merchandise everywhere. loved it there I'm going back!!!!

  3. The shopping district had a bunch of small shops with tons of clothing and bright colored stuff!

    There is also some little stores in the area of Margaritaville (the bar/restaurant)

    I admit, for about the first 20 minutes after getting off our ship, I had the feeling I was going to get mugged, but once we got a cab and started touring around the area, it was pretty normal.

    I wouldn't recommend just wandering around by yourself without someone who knows the areas that are safer for tourists.

  4. In Montego Bay they have what is referred to as "The Straw Market". These are a bunch of outdoor shops (much like a US Flea Market). There are tons of vendors, They have anything from Reggae music, jerk chicken to brightly colored red, black, green and yellow clothes--these are the colors of Jamaica (which is also used with Rasta).

    The Straw Market is fine and it is filled with tourists from the hotels and cruise ships. I've been to Montego Bay about a half dozen times and never had a problem.

    Word of note: Jamaicans will bargain for prices. If something costs $15, you can usually get them to go down quite a bit. Don't pay the price they initially tell you. The best move is to walk away---then you get things really cheap!!

    If you have the time, I would take a trip to Negril. It is very friendly and there are many Rastas in the area. I liked Negril so much more then Mo Bay.

    Ya mon---IRE
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