
Montessari Teacher Training and ECE?

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Montessari Teacher Training and ECE?




  1. I am not sure exactly what you are asking about.  If you're looking at doing Montessori training, your best bet is to go with either AMS (American Montessori Society) or AMI (Association Montessori International).  The training programs are different, but both provide excellent educations and widely recognized diplomas.  There is an issue that one organization does not often recognize the other's diplomas.  So in the long run, it is best to have both an AMI and AMS credential if you are thinking of traveling outside your immediate area.  Having both also looks good on a resume.

    Montessori training is also not for everyone.  You must truly feel passionate about the training and where it will lead you.  Spend some time observing a well-run Montessori classroom.  Spend more time than most would on watching the teacher and focusing on what little role the teacher has in direct contact with the students.  It's a very different method and someone looking to be the center of the child's attention for a few hours might not feel right in the Montessori environment, especially in the 3-6 age range, which you seem to be asking about.  A person who wants to observe children and let the child develop a strong concentration and love of learning as well as independence - that's what the Montessori teacher strives for.

    To find training centers in your area, visit the following web sites:

    Good luck and I hope I answered your question.

  2. Your question?Honestly,I'd love to help you since my mom is a Montessori teacher but you need to be more clear.

    BTW you spelled Montessori incorrectly :D.

  3. If you want to be a Montessori teacher, you should have formal training in the Montessori discipline and believe in the theories presented. Try reading up on Maria Montessori- the mother of montessori teaching.

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