
Monteverde o Manuel Antonio?

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which would you recommend spending the day at in Costa Rica and why? (i will be traveling w/ children aged 11-18)




  1. that depends, are you and your children more interested in fog, rain, and rainforest, or beches sun, and rainforest?  Monteverde is cooler, not near the water, beautiful, and with zip line and hanging bridges.  Manuel Antonio, is warm, lots of wildlife, rainforest on teh beach, and swimming ans snorkeling.  Personally I would choose Manuel Antonio.  I've been to both places and my upcoming trip I am only going back to Manuel Antonio.

  2. If you are talking about a 'Day', Manual Antonio is very accessible to San Jose, and really the better option. Monteverde is simply too far for a short trip (less than 2 or more days). The road is not paved and very bumpy, and your kids may not be comfortable being jostled around in a 4WD for several hours each way. The weather is less predictable in Monteverde, and often zip line tours get cancelled due to wind and/or rain. For kids Monteverde may be too cold and boring. It is more an adult nature lovers place. Kids like beachy areas far more, and there is some wildlife, even though you may only see Coati's. Monteverde has few crowds, but if you don't have much time, the answer is obviously Manuel Antonio.

  3. Monteverde has the ride over the tree tops, but short lived. Also difficult to get there due to very bumpy roads. Manuel Antonio has wonderful animals and trails for hiking.  Also beautiful beaches for swimming and snorkeling, and picnic areas. I would opt for the latter with kids.

  4. Given the ages of the children, I would opt for Monteverde with zip lines, horseback riding and other interesting things to see.  However, it is not hot in Monteverde and there is no real beach within several hours drive.  So if you have already gone to a beach or were going after, I would clearly go to Monteverde.  

    Question, what do you mean by spending the day?  Do you mean an overnight stay?  How much time do you have including the time to get to your destination and back.  That could eliminate Monteverde because it is a little less accessible from most places.

  5. Monteverde.  And when you are there do the zip-line tour.  SkyTrek ( are the best company.  Your children will LOVE it!   You get to hang above the canopy of the rainforest while seeing lots of animals.  It is very active, but not extraordinarily so.

    Manuel Antonio is very small, lots of walking.  You will see some animals, but not a lot.  I don't think it is as interesting for kids.

    Whatever you do, have a great time!!!!!!

  6. Monteverde is NOT a day trip, the last 30km of diret road into the town is one of the worst in Costa Rica.

    Id recommend Manuel Antonio, go to the National Park its right next to the main tourist beach but the beaches inside the park are nicer.

    Youll see more wildlife there than in Monteverde.

  7. Oh my gosh!  Not a lot of animals in Manuel Antonio?? I can't believe anyone would say such a thing.  I have been there many times, at different times of the year and we always see an amazing amount of animals, mammals, reptiles, birds.. the works!  

    The kids absolutely love it!  Be sure to at least stop by the Costa Verde Inn at sunset to see the TiTi monkeys playing all about the resaurant.  Then the Mono Azul for the Sloth that they rescued and set free.  He may still be hanging out near the hotel.  

    Bring snorkeling gear or plan on renting some and if you want to see things that for the amateur are too well camoflaged, hire a guide outside of the park entrance (very inexpensive) or even just follow one around once you get in.

    Manuel Antonio is a fabulous place.  My kids are much younger and they always walk the entire place with no problem.

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