
Month old baby eating?

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My son is a month old and usually eat's more at night and sleeps longer but awhile ago within 2 hours he ate a 4 ounce bottle and 2 more ounces about 45 minutes later is that normal or to much?




  1. My baby does the same thing sometimes.  It may be a growth spurt.  i wouldnt worry.  We asked our DR about overfeeding, we were told that a rest of about 20 minutes between the initial 4oz and the extra 2oz will give the baby time to realize he is full.  if he still wants more, he must need it.

    Hope this helps :)

  2. Absolutely...  They sometime boost their intake without warning.  Just remember to burp very frequently and don't limit his intake.  Just burp him every 2-4 ounces to prevent excessive spit-up.  Also, since he's a month old, you might think about adding a spoonfull of baby cereal to his bottle at night.  NOT RICE CEREAL!!!  He will get constipated and very cranky.  Use barley cereal or oatmeal cereal for babies.  It will keep him full longer and help him sleep solid.

  3. it's normal.  i have 2 month old twin girls and their eating habits change all the time!  most of the time Macey eats 6oz and Hailey eats 4oz, but sometimes when they get through with their normal bottle, they are still hungry, so i give them a couple more ounces.  rule of thumb, if your baby eats his regular bottle and is not satisfied, just give him one more ounce.  then if he's still hungry, one more ounce.  just one ounce at a time if you don't want to waste formula or milk.  he's going to start eating more and more pretty fast now, so if he's hungry give it to him!  a couple extra ounces is fine and it's better than letting him be hungry until the next feeding.  good luck and congrats on your son!

  4. babies will rarely overeat.  He may be hitting a growth spurt early.  If he ate too much, he will just spit it up anyway.  I wouldn't worry!

  5. don't deny him food.  let your baby eat.  if he's full, then he'll refuse it.  if he's hungry, he'll eat.

    it's simple human nature.
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