
Month to month rental agreements in orange?

by  |  earlier

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if i have a month to month rental agreement and I am moving and i paid first and last months rent when i moved in, do i need to pay the rent for the month I am moving out?

I am next i need to pay my rent or is it covered?




  1. You already paid for the last month so you don't pay it again.  If you move out before the date you are paid to then you are to be refunded that amount.  You need to notify your renter that you are moving ahead of time, probably one month ahead.  

  2. If you are sure you paid a last months rent upon move in then you would not have to pay for your last month in residence.

    Make sure it was, in fact, a last months rent and not a security deposit.

    A security deposit cannot be used for the last months rent.

  3. In California you have to give 30 days notice and it can't be paid for out of your deposit, unless that is specifically stated in your lease agreement (which it usually isn't).  In any case you need to check with the landlord to confirm they received your notice and whether or not you can apply your deposit toward the last month's rent.

  4. You might have to pay the rent for the time you spent at the apartment. If you have signed an agreement you might want to read your contract agreement very carefully to see what the guidelines are so you can get back your deposit and the extra money you pay for the rent. But make sure you give at least 2 weeks notice before you move out. Some places want a months notice or you forfeit your deposit.

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